Project: Inverse by StevenG - Updated 29th April

Sick build SG. Attention to detail and planning are evident and results speak for themselves. Love the colour scheme, cable management and cooling work.


flipping heck..............that case looks bloody brilliant in white :eek:

this is one of the best cases i've oozes cool, white black and blue look brilliant together.
.......... now then, i is thinking............uuuuuuuuumm
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Just come across this, I know you love your attention to detail when doing builds SG, thinking about the last one!

And does that board have SIX PCIe x16 slots? What on Earth for? :eek:

PCIe slots are not just for graphic cards.... I love this motherboard, partially because it ditched a lot of the legacy stuff most boards carry.

I went for a shiny silver motherboard block and VRM coolers.... but the black is nice aswell just much like mine makes the plumbing very busy around the CPU!
StevenG, what PCI-E power cables did you use for the 4870X2? I have a 4870 and I'm looking to get a spare power cable for braiding. If you could tell me the name of it that would help greatly, thanks :)
Ive had to *cut down* the rig a little due to my recent firing from work for making money on the side (sucky hours and sucky pay forced my hand)

anyway ive lost a 4870x2, i had upgraded to SSDs but theyve gone also. also going is the motherboard... sorry to see all of this go but you can bet then once ive got my next job i'll be looking to top this build!!!


so my current pc spec is. MSI X58M mobo, same 6gb dominator kit. my d0 chip, single 4870x2, asus xonar essence stx sound card, 1 1tb drive and cd drives.

currently cooled by different things as im writing a few reviews but i'll be looking to water cool it all again once the reviews are complete.


youve probably guessed by now i go for clean elegant look rather than flashy and in your face. look out for something new from me.


to n1blo as for PCI-E cables i used the ones that came with the psu. but if you wanted to get some to braid you could get either extensions or some dual molex to 6 pin adapters or something


in the eventuality that i do a new project the current case will probably be up for grabs.

Thanks for all the positive comments guys, this was a special one (as i was working when it was made) and i'll be looking to continue my line of custom pc's along with a new job.

to n1blo as for PCI-E cables i used the ones that came with the psu. but if you wanted to get some to braid you could get either extensions or some dual molex to 6 pin adapters or something

Thanks buddy, I've got some extensions that I've just braided but really liked those linked ones!

Sorry to hear about losing you're job, hope everything works out okay for you.

Hope I'm not being cheeky here but how much are you looking for the motherboard? :)
everything is sold (as you would expect) its all top quality stuff which sold within a day or 2 of it being posted / listed.

i braided every individual cable of everythign within the case exept fan wires, 3 of those went into a single braid. but everything else was painstakingly done.

StevenG - hope i can get another job soon as i want a car (need to start modding that aswell lol)
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