Project: IRON MAN MK8



Last update before the new PSU from be quiet! and titan X arrives. not much more i can do at the moment.
Added the motherboard to the loop.
Now many will ask why are you running it through the mobo first ?
Well here's why. When gaming that mobo doesn't heat up too much, however the CPU does.
So in order to avoid any heat issues, i ran the loop through the board and then into the CPU.
Idle temps hover around 25-28c Load temps right now on GTA V is keeping me around 53c which isn't bad at all.

Seeing as the titan X has still not been received, i went ahead and finished the 960 4G OC Edition.
It's not what i want but it will do.
Pretty awesome mod there, are you going to do anything with the dvd drive and small monitor above it?
This looks absolutely insane, good work!
Thanks :)
The monitor unfortunetly is just a temp/fan controller nothing too fancy about it. Bought it because of the red lighting to match the build and fill a gap.

As for the CD drive. First thing i tried was to have a pop out SSD drive within the drive, didn't work, broke the CD lock mechinism. Now i'm working on this

i want to fit that in the drive and LED backlight it. and put a clear acrylic top on the drive. However so far attempts are failing.

Got bored, added some sounds to windows and a script that changes the sound at 12:00 every day and night to accommodate the morning or afternoon.
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Bad news yet again for the project with delivery of my last 2 parts

Been notified today that the Titan X is being delivered to Nvidia. (No idea why) before heading out to me. (Taken 19 days so far)
Avexir have sent out the new Gold/Yellow RAM for the build as we agree'd white lights and 2 sticks just doesn't cut it. (currently 7 days after order)
The build is expected to feature on Avexir's and be quiet!'s websites along with partner facebook pages.

Also a little note: i've started working on my next project ''Silent Night'' New project log will begin upon completion of this one.

New massive lazer cutter arrived. I may do something for this project but it's mainly for the next 2 lined up. I can't wait to get started!
Still waiting for the Titan x and ram to come in.
Won the Titan x from nvidia comp at the start of the Month.
Hopefully it won't be too long :(
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