Project Kellogz?

3 Nov 2009
UK, Norwich
Well this will be an ongoing project so been asked to do a project log by a few people, have no timeline for it, but I have all the parts so could be days or weeks depending how much modding I chose to do.

This is my first ever attempt at water cooling and hard lining so hoping to share my experiences with this and have a laugh with it. There is a tonne of RGB NSFW in this and will see where this build takes off. As for the name Im not great with names if people can come up with something better I'd be open to offers but I did work on my logo when i did small bit of streaming and was hoping to somehow incorporate it into the build.

Anyways here's a pic to get it started will be updating it hopefully with plenty of pics on the way:


Big thank you too OCUK for the speedy delivery and the few phone calls of help given this is why I will always use OCUK for my parts. And @orbitalwalsh for help on deciding some of the parts.

[Build Log]

[Day 1] - [Parts Gallery] - I'm no photographer but wanted to try and get a few nice shots of parts.

[Day 1] - [Build] - So to sum up day 1, the build it was going great, the system booted using the free AIO I got with the Gigabyte motherboard, but the biggest problem came when trying to install the GPU to the loop. As you can see in the pictures below this is quite a surprising design fault, I don't know if this is strictly to the 1080ti WB Xtreme or it will effect any other cards but it is quite a big problem as I am unable to put the card in to do the loop. I plan to phone OCUK on monday too get some advice / see what can be done. Pics anyways below of Day 1 and stopping when trying the GPU Block.
*gpu problems*

[Day 2] - Much more progress today after getting back the mobo I got straight back into building and starting to figure the loop out. I'm still not sure what I want 100% wise but I should have the remaining fittings in the morning to have a Drain loop now and a few ideas I have had. Just waiting on the replacement bracket for the GPU too really work out how I exactly want thew loop so hopefully will be here in the next few days.

I did run into a few issues today with the 570x case. Im using EK's slim rads and even than space is so tight in the top of the case. I would estimate I have about a 4-5mm gap between the Ram and the Fans on the rad. Also a dual rad setup in this thing is extremely tight! But I guess that's part of the challenge of this build or could be just linked to EK rads.








*The rad will screw in but the gap for the fittings and the front rad is so tight I have to have the 90 fitting facing down which I dont really want to do, so this is the only option by having the rad slide a bit further along but not secure at one end. I may consider drilling into the top of the case to atleast secure it with 1 screw once I have 100% decided the loop setup.


*You can see the gap I was talking about here with the top rad fans and the memory*


[Day 2] - Flushing Radiators (Video)

[Day 3/4] - Cable Management / Bending - Today i focused on the wiring, I wont see it but I wanted something neat for now until I get my custom cables probably at Christmas as i'm well over budget already.... Also yesterday and today I took on the task I was most worried about bending PETG. Too say that this is a skillful thing is an understatement. I had many frustrated hours of learning how to bend and although I believe my bends are done they are no where near the standard I was hoping for. Those who can make there builds look perfect I take my hat off to you as I couldn't get anywhere near it. I will be redoing some bends later on, but for now I will leave it probably till the new year as funds are pretty low now. Anyways enjoy the pics, I used the gravy tin to hold the GPU so i could at least get my bends done just hope it was level and will be ok otherwise I may be redoing bends sooner than I think. Another issue I came into was a flat spotting on so much on my bends, I made sure i heated up the tube and took my time but every time I got flat spots. I don't know if this is down to the silicone i used but it doesn't seem to fit in tightly and has a few mm gap which is probably the cause of the flats. Anyways enjoy the pics, i'm still waiting on the bracket ATM so hoping its here soon as now theirs nothing more I can do..








*The failed first bends! plenty more where they came from!




*The wasted bends!

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Looks like we've had the same idea to do a project log a 570X. Looking forward to seeing your take on it.

Gorgeous case though, just screams out to be filled with lots of hardware and water :D
@Kellogz are you able to take pic of the card flush with the PCIe socket, card to see angles when have of it is in at the back .
Just rest it on top , should give a bitter indicator how much it's out by, picks just look like you've slotted the back end of the card in - but get what your trying to convey
Hopefully one of the Gigabyte reps will see , every good on here

*** very odd, seen 1080 To aorus air versions fit fine , and both use the same IO panel ...

Cant send Direct message to you mate, guessing you've got conversation turned off?
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I would suspect that Gigabyte may advise you to remove the useless bit of plastic on the motherboard (2 screws underneath?).

Seems like I suspected wrong, lols. Good on Gigabyte for the support.
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I'm so sorry to hear you had this issue. Our HQ has already noticed it and deployed replacement brackets to our RMA centers worldwide.
If you send us your shipping information we will send you a bracket free of charge.
checked my air version, seems bracket is different and can see where yours would clash.
good to see there is a work around , @Gigabyte-Gaming - might be worth sending a batch to OCUK directly - be sent out with the cards until I guess main production switches the brackets around
I'm so sorry to hear you had this issue. Our HQ has already noticed it and deployed replacement brackets to our RMA centers worldwide.
If you send us your shipping information we will send you a bracket free of charge.

That would be handy, you have conversations blocked and I am unable to send you my shipping details.
Hello Kellogz,

Can you send your home address to the below e-mail and I will get them shipped to you ASAP...

[email protected] = Please reference this conversation in your e-mail... Sorry for the inconvenience....
Hello Kellogz,

Can you send your home address to the below e-mail and I will get them shipped to you ASAP...

[email protected] = Please reference this conversation in your e-mail... Sorry for the inconvenience....

@Gigabyte-Gaming + @GIGA-Man I have sent an email as requested my GIGA-Man I need to now try sort out the RMA set up with OCUK as when contacting OCUK yesterday morning the only option was to change board, hoping can get this solved and thanks for your help as the GIGA Auros board is an awesome looking board and I really wanted to use that to match the Aesthetics of the build.
Update: Good news I managed to get to my Package before it left the drop off point this morning and cancel the RMA. So now I am just awaiting the bracket to carry on the build. I also miss calculated adding a drain loops so this will be added next I think today I will flush the Rads got 5l of distilled ready, will post updates when done.
Update: Good news I managed to get to my Package before it left the drop off point this morning and cancel the RMA. So now I am just awaiting the bracket to carry on the build. I also miss calculated adding a drain loops so this will be added next I think today I will flush the Rads got 5l of distilled ready, will post updates when done.

I have been told the bracket is being sent, I have asked HQ for the tacking number and will pass it on ASAP.
Sweet news ^^^ really can't wait to see this built ! Came so close to getting the Waterforce then bailed last mine for Aorus 1080 11gbps and got creative with an Alphacool block
@GIGA-Man thanks mate appreciated! I guess I wont get no free haribo with this like OCUK do though! haha!

@orbitalwalsh Yeh it is its all working out slowly, i got some more fittings coming on Friday and will post an update later tonight on the few bits i worked on today.
Day 2 progress updated. Sorry for not getting it up last night got too tired and wanted to add in the video.
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