Project Kellogz?

Day 2 progress updated. Sorry for not getting it up last night got too tired and wanted to add in the video.

You could flip the front rad so ports at the bottom . This would allow you to go from the top rad horizontally , 90 bend down and running parallel to the front rad.
Or flip the top rad so ports are facing the front of the case and will allow one of the ports to run directly down to the bottom port of the front rad ?

Measure out the Waterforce PCB length as well. Will be tight. Gigabyte used a triple Stacked 100mm design so it's not as long as Asus/zotac etc but still think PCB is 280mm long
I used similarly thin radiators and yeah, it's tight!!

Ended up with ports at top, 90 degree connectoes on both. One going from rad to D5 combo and the other going to the port on the top rad which were at the rear.

Creative bending is a must.
Day 3/4 updated, bending and wiring done, just waiting on the bracket now.

@GIGA-Man Any update on this buddy shipping wise?

As for whats next not a lot to say im not happy with the bends but I went through 6 lots of tubing and pain staking hours, I will redo a few of the bends but for now im hoping will all be good and when the bracket arrives leak testing can begin!
I was thinking of doing a peoject and try some bending, is it really that though to get what you want or is it down also to materials?

Small update my bracket is coming tomorrow! Just got an email from Gigabyte that it will be arriving tomorrow so I should be able to start leak testing tomorrow and will post updates from there.

I was thinking of doing a project and try some bending, is it really that though to get what you want or is it down also to materials?

To be honest it depends on what you are doing from what I have read online. I used the 16mm tubing because I thought it would look better being in a big case, the downside to using the bigger tubing is that your bends are larger and as a result some bends are pretty impossible and require fittings, at least from my knowledge. I used the EK-HD tubing with the EK-HD insert and ran to issues but i'm hoping someone here can tell me what I am doing wrong. The smaller tubing the 12mm stuff will bend tighter as it is a smaller tube and therefore bends can be a lot easier in some situations. It really depends on the look you are going for and also how good you are or in my case are not good at bending. There's plenty of videos online explaining how to do it, I will try some more bends in the future when I got some more funds.
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