Project: Kodiak

Sorted out my frothing issue, it turns out it was the fault of the reservoir. Aquatube's don't have a large capacity, and the huge flow rate of the GPU loop was displacing all the liquid backwards which caused the pump to be sucking froth and the occasional large air bubble along with the liquid. I fixed this by filling it all the way and then half way up the small RAM fitting. The next step was to turn the pump on and off frequently, shake, tilt and wobble the case (with the fillport open - this only bit me in the arse once luckily) to let the air rise, top up the liquid and repeat. I got a little carried away with this and was even counting micro bubbles so I kept going until the loop looked clear. This took a couple of hours, but the results speak for themselves. The only bubbles I ever see are the occasional micro bubble from the rad, but after a bit of running I will repeat the bleeding process until those are gone too!



I also re-took a few pictures from yesterday to show the difference in a more visible way (look to the previous post for comparison's sake)



That slight skew in the 2 T-blocks was caused by me moving around and using the drain ports (I accidently dropped the plug of the drain port when I was undoing it to release some liquid and had to plug the torrent with my finger while I groped under the desk for the plug lol), but it is now straight. Maybe I will redo this picture next time.

Here is a random picture I found on my CF card from yesterday that I forgot about:


I will be bleeding the micro bubbles out of the CPU loop tonight to make it match the GPU loop. Then some final cable management before benchmarks, overclocking and more benchmarks (barring any unexpected problems)!
Rather unsurprisingly, I appear to have run into another problem!

I booted into windows for the first time in ages, and tried to reflow my Indigo Extreme... unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have worked properly :(

The temperature graphs just shot up to ~95 and hung there. I left prime 95 going for about 12 minutes (way longer than the 30ish seconds its supposed to take lol) and the graph never dropped. I probably shouldn't have tightened the water block down completely before reflow and removing the block once to change mounting system and reusing the IX probably didn't help.

I need to change over to the second application, but as you can see by the pictures, my CPU and MOSFET blocks are hard connected rather than a tubing loop, so changing the TIM is a massive pain in the arse. I will need to remove the motherboard and remove the MOSFET and CPU blocks together as one unit, which in turn involves draining both loops and disconnecting everything :(

Oh well... One problem after another...

On a brighter note, I ignored the problem and ran fur mark @ 1920x1200 8xMSAA extreme burn in test and the GPU temps peaked at 58 degrees with a 1 degree difference between them, lots of capacitor whine though...

CPU after 45 minutes of prime with the pump enabled peaked at 60 degrees stock voltages, stupid indigo extreme (that's right, I can blame the tools if I want to).

Time to swear some more... And resign myself to taking it all apart... Maybe Friday night /weekend.
Thanks for the kind words guys, I am happy with how it looks.

Unfortunately, like so many others on here I am not happy with the Feser liquid. I can see floating bits and it froths... A lot. Also under UV light it looks orange lol. I will try and get a picture of the orange for you guys, need to find my monopod first though.

As such I am changing my liquid (seeing as I need to drain it anyway) and I will be replacing it with distilled water, mayhems red dye and PT nuke biocide (don't want to have silver visible anywhere in the reservoirs). This also works out insanely cheaper to refill if the need ever arises, shouldn't clog blocks and won't cause scum/tide marks.

@Tomcat825 I was originally going to with black Alcatel tops on everything until I realized that exact thing. You never see the prettiest part of a liquid loop usually, so why not show it off because I can? A top down view is a shot I really want to get, and I will when it's all re filled and ready to go... Again.
Ok, just a quick update to this log for you all.

I have stripped everything down, cleaned all the wc components and re-assembled with a new Indigo Extreme and refilled the loops with distilled water and PT Nuke. That lot took a good 6 hours, but it was rather a lot of work!

I also reflowed my IX and got better results this time, I am still not 100% happy though as there is a 3 degree difference between Core 0 and the next hottest core so I might try my luck at another reflow with the same IX (The loops are filled and bled so I don't want to strip it down again - and Indigo Extreme is very hard to clean off the cpu).

I have another couple of problems though, the FC-Touch fan controller is still messed up - only channel 6 seems to work as advertised so I have contacted Lamptron to get this sorted. My GPU pump also appears to be vibrating quite a lot, but thats not too hard a fix!

  • Fix/replace fan controller
  • Isolate GPU pump better
  • Order more red Bitfenix extensions to change my red/black cables
  • Look at getting a slim external dvd drive to velcro underneath case
  • Dye the loop liquid red
  • Customize and sleeve last sata power cable
  • Neaten extension cables
  • Add lighting
  • Polish shiny bits

The Mayhems dye is winging its way to me from the UK, so I should get it within the next week or so.

I decided against keeping Eyefinity as well, I just wasn't all that impressed with it. I will be going for a 27" 2560x1440/1600 or a 27" 120hz monitor early next year instead.

I ordered a pair of Sennheiser PC360s to replace my rather crappy PC151s (I used to have Medusas a while back, it was hard deciding between getting an unknown pair or another set of Medusas), so hopefully that will create an awesome soundstage ready for BF3.

Sorry for the lack of pictures folks, essentially it looks the same as before but with distilled water instead of red Feser One F1... in other words, boring :(
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I looked at getting an Asus Xonar Essence STX before, I couldn't justify the price ($180) though, especially when the card I bought for this build was on sale for less than $75!

I also looked at the PC350s, however I dismissed those pretty quickly because they are closed cans, open ones seem to sound better to me. As for an amp, I get lost looking through those, as I am no audiophile I really don't know what I'm looking at! Maybe you could recommend one for me (are good headphone amps and pre-amps available as all in one solutions)?
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