Sorted out my frothing issue, it turns out it was the fault of the reservoir. Aquatube's don't have a large capacity, and the huge flow rate of the GPU loop was displacing all the liquid backwards which caused the pump to be sucking froth and the occasional large air bubble along with the liquid. I fixed this by filling it all the way and then half way up the small RAM fitting. The next step was to turn the pump on and off frequently, shake, tilt and wobble the case (with the fillport open - this only bit me in the arse once luckily) to let the air rise, top up the liquid and repeat. I got a little carried away with this and was even counting micro bubbles so I kept going until the loop looked clear. This took a couple of hours, but the results speak for themselves. The only bubbles I ever see are the occasional micro bubble from the rad, but after a bit of running I will repeat the bleeding process until those are gone too!
I also re-took a few pictures from yesterday to show the difference in a more visible way (look to the previous post for comparison's sake)
That slight skew in the 2 T-blocks was caused by me moving around and using the drain ports (I accidently dropped the plug of the drain port when I was undoing it to release some liquid and had to plug the torrent with my finger while I groped under the desk for the plug lol), but it is now straight. Maybe I will redo this picture next time.
Here is a random picture I found on my CF card from yesterday that I forgot about:
I will be bleeding the micro bubbles out of the CPU loop tonight to make it match the GPU loop. Then some final cable management before benchmarks, overclocking and more benchmarks (barring any unexpected problems)!
I also re-took a few pictures from yesterday to show the difference in a more visible way (look to the previous post for comparison's sake)
That slight skew in the 2 T-blocks was caused by me moving around and using the drain ports (I accidently dropped the plug of the drain port when I was undoing it to release some liquid and had to plug the torrent with my finger while I groped under the desk for the plug lol), but it is now straight. Maybe I will redo this picture next time.
Here is a random picture I found on my CF card from yesterday that I forgot about:
I will be bleeding the micro bubbles out of the CPU loop tonight to make it match the GPU loop. Then some final cable management before benchmarks, overclocking and more benchmarks (barring any unexpected problems)!