So, time for a nice picture update of what I got upto yesterday
First of all, a picture of what I'm starting with, with a massive Noctua D14 cooler. Going to be nice to get some of that weight off the motherboard!
DSC_3594 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
Always interesting to find out how the thermal paste turned out, seems to have gone alright, used the pea method incase anyone else is interested. Possibly could have got away with a little bit less (judging by the bottom of the noctua), but wasn't too bad.
DSC_3595 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
DSC_3596 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
I was quite surprised how shiny the bottom of the waterblock was, literally a mirror shine!
DSC_3597 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
My motherboard with the CPU block installed, has made quite a differenc compared to having the noctua on, you can actually see the motherboard
DSC_3599 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
Now, time for the gfx card...
DSC_3600 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
It was actually easier than I was expecting it to be, although it did still require a little persuasion to get it apart, but nothing serious, and the card is revealed.
DSC_3601 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
DSC_3602 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
DSC_3603 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
DSC_3605 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
The card with the thermal pads on it. I was suprised when I got to it, that I was required to cut the thermal pads to the right size, guess I was just assuming they would be ready cut, but wasn't too much effort, once I had decided I definitely could cut them how I was going to, and have enough pad!
DSC_3608 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
Now the block goes on. This took a little fiddling, as I found it quite hard to hold the card & block up with one hand perfectly horizontal (otherwise the thermal pads slide around, and end up covering anything other than what you were wanting them to cover!), and with the other hand trying to find the hole underneath the card to insert the tiny screws! But it's worth the effort in the end, and this is the result.
DSC_3609 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
Now to get the board installed into the case.
Shame it's blue, rather than red, but I don't really want to spend more money, just to get a motherboard with matching colours!
DSC_3610 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
Got the LEDs installed on the back of the motherboard, so this is what it looks like with them on.
DSC_3611 by
RCAnderson, on Flickr
quite like it myself, although think it might be better if I get something reflective behind the motherboard to reflect all the light out, so that it's a bit brighter. Should look better in the dark though.
I haven't got a picture of how I've mounted the LEDs, as it's not hugely tidy
But if someone requests it, I could get a picture for them.
That's all for now though. Hopefully getting the extra 45degree fittings I ordered tomorrow, then I can connect the tubing & get leak testing