Project log: A one for the missus ( More airbrushing / custom paint ! )

well while iom waiting for him to download hos pics etc,
i would like to discuss soemthing
my original idea for this porjoct was tyhat the bubbles represented a progression of life.

i was toying with the idea of putting motif's / images inside the bubbles.
this woudl make the project very personal, but at the same itime i think i would be walking a tight rope in terms of making it too 'tacky' i suppose

im not finding this decission easy
so any input / opinions will be great
were getting there !

First bubble rendered !

hands need a little more work but got sick of doign them so i moved on
Yewen said:
Terrible work, really is very poor.


You got anything else you will be adding to it, or is that the design complete now?

*ignores* :P
well the design is complete. but theres still mroe wiork to be done. if that makes sense
i just cant ddecide on whether i should put motif's inside the bubble or not :(
This is the kind of thing that adds the time and expense to paintwork... these things dont just happen lol

i swear when i close my eyes all i can see it dots lol

so farnive gone through 4 brand new swan morton blades JUST cutting out these darn cirles:




Sandmaster500 said:
Wow, that is truely amazing :eek:

You have some MAJOR talent!

Great work mate

thanks a lot mate

ive just thought of the last idea for this case.
Laura has some tattoos, 8 stars outlines .... (shes not an emo btw ) and i still have the original drawing fro them soemhere, soi im gonna blend them in some how :)

imm gonn get back to work in a minute... so expect some updates today :)
rangor gubbins said:
great bubbles. the look really good.
Sorry if i'm being stupid, but what is the big hole on the other side all about?

i wansted to show soemone the inside of the case lol. so just put a hol in the masking tape.
theres gonna be a window there you see :)
Wolf11 said:
Any particular reason you have the light/highlight coming from underneath the bubbles on the other side compared to the first side (where the light source is from above) or is that just artistic license,or will there be some feature below ?

Very cool seeing your progress shots -I'm sure you,ll girlfriend will love it !

Im glad you noticed !
theres bno particular reason, but it was entirly intentional ( sp sp ??)
call it artistic license if you want though.
latest pics:

my next idea was to incorperatye lauras ( my girlfriend) tattoos into the design. luckly i still have the original design to hand so i was able to copy ist exactly.

she has 8 outlines on her stomach of 5 pointed stars. these kinda things look good blended in with airbrushing. so here goes.

Fierst of all i will point out that it rerally did atke more than an hour just to mask these things off !! - and i ran out of 1/16th fine line tape so had to make my own !




Wolf11 said:
Cool - yeah I can imagine how long it took ! ,from my little play at a bit of stenciling it takes a lot longer than I thought it would.

yea. a lot of peoopel moan at me and tell me to buy a plotter lol. which i would love to own... but theres soemthign about doign it yourself. ... when you can see the tinyest little mistake / tag from the fineline tape it makes it lookreal.

good luck with the airbrushing though. being a painter before hand is a good start !. but its a very steep, frustrating learbning curve.
my only advice is to kit your self out with the best you can afford tbh

btw, i suppose havving the highlights in different places makies it look visuualy correct.... or more makes them not look in correct.
if they were all the same, all the way around tyou would notice sub conciously. and * soemhting* just wouldnt look right.
it also helps your eye to move around the piece too.

or atleast thats MY theory on it :P
Stelly said:
Hi Mate,

Thanks for that Hi Stelly :) I think that you should keep it on there but also put my phone number next to it lol... has your misses got any good looking friends? ;)


no but she keeps asking who stelly is :eek:

:mad: driving lessons today and tomorrow so doubt ill get much done lol
just finished laquering it
neartly a pint of clearcoat on the case lolol

but.... somehting caught my eye... i placed one pannle next to my extr\ctor fan, and theres crap been blown onto one egde, about an inch in.
i thriow a hell of a lot of clear on the edges of things so it should just polish out... but thats pretty much the only thing that gone wrong during the whole project... but its not that bad tbh
ill be able to flat and polish saturday night hopefully. then ill be able to put it all togeather etc.

thanks for the support guys !!

pulse, you rly dotn wanna see those cars lol ... theyre crap. fiorst things i ever painted lol
VeNT said:
you've had long enough dude, I DEMAND CONTENT!

Rollocks ! i forgot all abotu this thread !!

the case is finished.... werm i can take soem quick pics now. and some fgood ones later .

ive still got one 5.25 bay cover to touch up acctually !

sorry guys ! lol

ill post some pics asap

*edit* im watchign Fred elliot die at the moment... gime a minute lol

btw thanks for the stars !
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