Project Log - My Garden

17 Jan 2006
Hi All

Having fairly recently moved to a new house and for the first time having our own garden my girlfriend and I were delighted to have some sunshine last weekend so we could get out and make a start.

Below is the garden as it was when we moved in, the lawn uncut and the planters on the right full of weeds.


After some fairly light work at the weekend I then decided that the concrete path, which we had said we would get rid of at some point, needed to go fairly quickly. So I set about removing it. One Sledgehammer and a good bit of energy later it was I just need to move all the rubble to the front of the house where i may need it for hardcore...


If the weather is kind over the weekend I intend to get out and do some more work and will update the thread next week.
Looks like a nice and interesting shape and a great blank canvas.

I'd spray that fence whilst nothing is about.

Buy and plant some climbers now, you may not know where you want them but they take a few years to establish and you can always lift them and move them. Especially round the trellis style half height fence.

Test your soil to see what plants will thrive.

Good luck and keep us updated on what BBQ you buy
Looks like a nice and interesting shape and a great blank canvas.

I'd spray that fence whilst nothing is about.

Buy and plant some climbers now, you may not know where you want them but they take a few years to establish and you can always lift them and move them. Especially round the trellis style half height fence.

Test your soil to see what plants will thrive.

Good luck and keep us updated on what BBQ you buy

Tis indeed a nice blank canvas, not sure that the former owners were really into their

Intend to get something on at least some of the wooden panels over the weekend, thinking of possible going green on some of the ones in the back corner as I'd like to deck the concrete area and I feel a greenish hue to the fence panels would help stop it feel so much like they penned you in.
Wonderful shape garden, I'm always amazed at the way weird they work out boundarys.

My boundary here gives me a slightly wedge shape garden, but not so wacky as yours.
Over the weekend I continued work on my garden. It was a lot of hard work and has done virtually nothing for the look of the garden but was good preparation work for later projects!

1) Rubble from the concrete path all removed and trench started


2) Main stretch of trench finished. The more observant of you will notice that once I had finished the trench, I decided I might just as well remove the horrible old washing line posts at either end of the garden. They took a lot of pushing and pulling and sledgehammering but I got them both out and refilled the ground as they left great big foot cubed (or bigger) holes.


3) Second run of trench dug


4) Conduit and cable ready to lay in trench (making sure not to include any surprises my 15month old boy had thrown into the trench...see orange object in middle of trench...)


5) Trench filled in and beginnings of raising ground level where path had been. Bottom right of the photo shows a third side of trench which runs along the side of the outhouse building. I have to dig one more trench to get to the back wall where the cable will enter..then no more trench digging ever again...hopefully!!!


Next on the garden project job list is to finish with the conduit and finish off raising the level of the ground using the earth from the raised planters, then I shall refill those with some nice fresh new top soil so my girlfriend can actually add some plants!

Other jobs to do:

1) Treat the fence panels:
They are pretty old and dry but otherwise sound. planning on using paint on wood preserver though will I need to feed/nourish the wood first of will the preserver do this job?

2) Remove existing rotary washing line and replace with a lovely new one which will be given a decent concrete mount so will be removable when we want!

3) Plan and build decking:
The plan for this is taking shape in my head but requires a lot of thinking about as it's a diy project on a much bigger scale than anything I've done before. However I think with careful planning and research it should be doable!

4) Level out some of the lumps in the lawn

5) Plan/design/build enormous bbq!!! :)

More updates when I get back out in the garden...hopefully this week.
Looking good. That path must have been back breaking work.

Surprisingly it wasn't all that bad, I had made sure to research correct technique for sledgehammering and that really helped as doing it properly meant the hammer did all the work!

Move the rubble was a slow process but again not too bad as I could move as little as I wanted each time.

Digging the trench was tiring but the worst bit was having to refill it having spent 2 days grafting, using the rake was horrible as the angle was such that it really made for back breaking stuff!!!

Happy to be corrected but I think the timber care stuff is only preventative.

I did wonder if that might be the case, is there anything I can use to give the panels a bit more moisture back?
That's only a tiddly path;), the one that was here when I moved in, was 12" thick, layer up on layer, hard work breaking it up, but I do have one of these.


With regards to your fence panels, use a solvent based preservative, several coats,I find it soaks in better than a water base one.
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I didn't really get anything finished loast weekend as it was my birthday on the Friday and we spent most of the weekend relaxing.

That said I did take several loads of rubble from the removed path to the tip on Sunday.

I want to turf the area where the path has been removed but my next door neighbour has asked if he might bring a mini digger round the side of my house, down the end of the garden and into his garden as the digger won't fit through his side gate.

I don't want it going over newly laid turf...but I'm also worried that it will destroy the rest of my lawn and possibly damage the concrete base at the end of the garden. My neighbour assures me everything will be ok though.

I guess any damage and I'll get him to pay for it to be restored to how it currently is!

Hopefully he'll get the work done asap as I want to crack on with building a deck at the end of the garden in the next month or so!
As it was a nice weekend (well Saturday was a bit grotty but not too bad) my girlfriend and I decided to leave boarding the loft for another day and continue with working in the garden.

After a lot of driving about garden centre to garden centre in the morning we finally managed to get some of the bits and pieces we wanted and get out into the garden at about 2.00pm so didn't get a huge amount done on Saturday.

Then on Sunday we only had a short time in the garden before we went to my parents for a bbq and yesterday again we were out and about so only had a fairly limited time but here is what we managed to achieve.

Firstly, having used most of the soil from the two raised planters to fill in where we removed the concrete path, I ordered a bag of top soil from a local supplier. It was delivered onto the front garden during the week so I needed to wheel barrow it round to the back. I had done some of it in the evenings but it was tricky as my little boy was very keen on running around the side of the house and onto the driveway....not ideal so my girlfriend had to keep him inside while I shoveled, wheeled, shoveled and tipped about half of it.

As we had taken him to my girlfriends parents house for the day we managed to get the rest of the soil moved and into the two large planters so they were ready to use.

We also used some of the soil in a small raised bed. It's a pre-notched kit from Wickes and I know we could have made this ourselves for less money but to be honest for the saving in time and effort it was worth the extra money. We lined it and fille with soil. It was then planted up with some nice little alpines and other small plants and decorated with vvarious stones from the Jurassic Coast which we picked up when we went on holiday there a couple of years ago. This raised bed is a nice small little area of the garden where our little boy can play around with a small trowel and stuff that we have got for him...hopefully meaning he won't be quite so interested in destroying the rest of the


Next we planted up the far planter with lots of herbs. We thought this would be lovely as we intend to build a deck at that end and we figured it would lovely have the scent of the herbs in the air when sitting in the sun down there. You may notice that the herbs could have been set a bit more evenly back to front; this was a deliberate decision as it keeps them out of the reach of a certain little boy who was very interested in pulling them out as we were planting so we had to put them out of his reach! :)


We also repotted a nice bay tree my parents have had in their garden for me for the last few years. It needs some tlc but with a bit of work and feeding it will be lovely


I then made a start on treating the fence panels which fromt he looks of things have never had any kind of treatment since the day they were put in! I know it's not to everyone's tastes but we've gone for a green treatment as we like the colour and feel it softens the fencing. Once there are more plants in the garden it will look great! :)


Got my work cut out for me though as there are a far few panels to do!


We also managed to put a few plants which had been donated by my parents into the other planter. We will obviously need to get more plants in here but it's a start!


This is how the garden was looking by Sunday. The turf we removed for the small raised bed has been laid in place at the end of the strip of earth where the path was removed. I may well lift more from the front garden to save us having to buy any more turf...we shall see.


Yesterday I got myself a sprayer to apply the fence treatment as it is a time consuming job and a bit of a pain! Even with the time taken to mask the fence posts etc it is far far quicker than applying with a brush!

I only had a short amount of time but managed to get four more panels done. Depending on the weather when I get home today I might mask up some more and spray them too.

I think the panels at the end of the garden are going to need a second coat as they get more sun than the first panels I did and they were incredibly dry, the treatment was soaking in a quick as I could spray! However I would like to give all the other panels a coat first so they all have some protection!


You can also see in the photo above that we got a couple of trough/trellis planters, these are to go along the wall of the outhouse to give us something nice to look at while sitting at the end of the garden rather than just a brick wall. One has a honeysuckle...the other I can't remember but it's another climber. They will be put in place once I've finished off the trench with the power cable in... more diggin for me then! :(

Still a very long way to go but every little bit makes it feel more like a garden.
Looking good. Did you say what the cable was for?

We were supposed to be exchanging on our new place today, but our buyers are complicating matters (damned first time buyers!). We only have a yard at the moment, so looking forward to planning our new garden and getting much inspiration from these threads. ;)
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