Project Log - My Garden

Another nice weekend so a little more done in the garden.

After a lot of reading and thought we decided the Virginia Creepers probably weren't the best plants for our garden - we only really got them as they were being sold cheaply at a boot fair - so we removed them and in their place put in a couple of evergreen honeysuckles.

You can see the creepers in the bottom left of the pic bunged in an old planter until we decide what to do with them (anyone want them? :))


You can also make out that I made a start on putting up some netting for the honeysuckles to climb up to minimise their direct contact with the fence panels.

A few more planst have arrived in the garden. Two red Acers which will in time be planted either directly to the soil or in big pots to be part of a dividing line across the garden splitting it into two zones... In addition there are some other plants wwe have been given...I have no idea what they are, the plant side of things is my girlfriends job! :)

The bargainous extremely yellow turf we got a few weeks ago has been loving the variable weather we've been having and is now putting the rest of the lawn to shame!! My mission over the coming months is to make my whole lawn as lush and green as the stripe I now have! :)


We got a second honeysuckle to go in one of our planters on the outhouse wall as the previous plant just wasn't doing anything and judging by the growth of the first honeysuckle it sems to be an ideal spot for them!


Just another shot showing the lovely green strip I have in the lawn, along with my little lads dinosaur slide which seems to provide perfect growing conditions for the grass as any time it gets left somewhere that patch of grass grows about twice as much as the rest of trhe lawn...


Other than getting a few new plants it was mainly just some pottering about. I did mow the lawn and go round the edges with my strimmer which was fortuitous as we have been borrowing my brother's lawn mower and he now wants it back! I shall have to get on the look out for a cheap mower, I don't want anything amazing but it must have a metal blade, my parents have had plastic bladed ones in the past and found they don't last long if you've got any stones etc in the grass which with a little boy throwing things about is very likely!!!

On the tool front I had a very good shopping trip at a local boot fair and managed to pick up an electric lawn rake which works perfectly for £10 and a drop spreader with ual flow control and a handle mounted start stop mechanism for a mere £3, both of which will come in handy when I really start giving the lawn some tlc!!! :)
Want to have a look on your local 'FreeCycle', I've had plants, 6" bench grinder, 9" Hitachi angle grinder,pond pump & filter,etc,etc.
Not done much in the back garden for the last couple of weeks as we have been concentrating on getting the front garden dug out ready for parking grid to be installed but there have been a few changes.

Trellis added to help honeysuckle get up to the trellis panels at the top.


One of the Acers potted up and place roughly where it will become part of a divide in the garden to make two sort of halves. (dirt on ground courtesy of my little helper - more pics later!)


My girlfriend's bed now with added ragstone and sandstone which her Dad got hold of for us for nothing. More plants to come then some irrigation to be sorted. Oh and the brick edging will be properly set in place and levelled etc.


With various planting having been done we needed to do some watering - My little helper:






Then we went indoors just in time for something akin to a scene from The Birds to happen...


This was just a small portion of the huge numbers of birds that descended upon our garden!!!
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As well as what mortar mix to use (3:2:1 maybe?) Will the old bricks I have in place currently be ok for the edging? Been doing some reading and some people have said you need engineering bricks or similar so they aren't destroyed by damp and frost?
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