[Project Log] {SAS}TB : Project CaseSwap

Hi mate

When mine went off the case was with it and I just asked for a simple side window which stopped flush with the PSU bay shelf.

I have just measured the window (from the outside of the panel) on the outside face of the panel and th ewindow is, roughly:

47mm from the Left Hand Side / Edge of the panel
242mm from the Right Hand Side / Edge of the panel (Top / Narrowest)
172mm from the Right Hand Side / Edge of the panel (Bottom / widest)
92mm from the Top Edge of the panel
132mm from the Bottom edge of the panel

Obviously the bottom one is the "critical" one as too low and it will encroach into and shown the PSU bay and mine is very tight to the shelf.

Its difficult to get very accurate measurements for the cut due to the blow hole trim.

You could take the rear panel off and scribe / mark the back of the panel at the shelf level as a "do not cut past here" mark ?

Hope this helps and look forward to some pics :D
Wow thankyou for going through the trouble of measuring for me. Much appreciated!

I will take some pics once i get the window sorted. Hopefully next week :)

Thanks again,

@ Sc00p007 - No probs :D

@ whipitrnd - cheers mate, much appreciated :D

Ive "stealthed" the CF bridge and Cards, ill get some pics

Also thinking of changing the rear fan to intake with a filter - hopefully look at it this weekend


Well, small update; I "stealthed" the CF bridge and have also done the GFX (ill get pics of the GFX later) - im also gonna swap the rear fan to intake with a dust filter, just to see if it makes any difference :)


Like the way you combined pictures 24 style :D, the coolermaster case was really nice looking from the outside, average on the inside.
Similar to the corsair, bit above average on the outside, really nice on the inside where it really counts, anyway the end result looks awesome & I'm sure it performs awesome too :), nice build ~TB~.
Well, swapped the rear fan over and it does appear to be working, definitely cooler air being dragged through the rads and about a degree or so (hard to tell as the ambiants are back up again) - but im happy with it :D

So heres the GFX "stealthed" as well, sorry for the poor pics :(



I also stealthed the DVD drive with a matching brushed black aluminium bezel :D


Definitely looks better than the original DVD drive :D

Looking rather tidy I must say Jon, you going to purchase a third 5870 any time soon?? They look so lonely all by them selves at either side of the motherboard :P

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