The PC in it's current set up is unstable. Was getting the BSOD at the weekend over and over, and I've been unable to figure out why.
For ages, I've wanted to either revamp or get a new set up, and I've had a rethink of strategy given the current issues and what I need from it.
What's needed; something that lets me word process and record keep daily. So am looking to get a solution for that at as low cost as possible.
I'm a bit uneasy because I've lost two USB with valuable data on them and a keyboard as well. That was after being plugged into the front and back USB ports. I'm assuming this was caused by a faulty motherboard, but am concerned too that it may have been caused by the PSU. Or the cabling that is apart of the case (this is probably the least likely cause).
Working under the above assumption, then I'll only need to replace the motherboard. Most likely it's going to be a used H61 board which will take the old CPU. It doesn't look like my PPU will fit, but I'm accepting to leave gaming alone for the time being. Plus, I can sell it.
Don't want to make any expensive mistakes!
Can anyone advise;
How can I test my PSU?
Would be really awesome if I can acquire a monitor that can be drilled / attached into my study room wall.
Am very keen to begin taking things apart / back together on this at the weekend. I'll post some pictures of the space that I'm using for this.