Project: Madness (a Fan/Electronics modification)

13 Jul 2009
Not a case mod, build or anything but I thought seeing as it modifies something computer based quite heavily I thought I'd post it here.

Why call it Madness? Well you'll see.

So after the success of modding a fan with 16 LEDs last year I fancied a fresh challenge and wanted to incorporate a growing personal interest in electronics.

Here's a picture of the fan from last year.


I won't make this like a tutorial as I just don't think anyone else would be daft enough to take on such a project. I will include a brief description of how it works and how each component works with other components to create the desired effect.

What I want to do is have it so the LEDs light up in turn spinning around the fan circumference. A bit like the Enermax Vegas shown here but not flashing and being silly. Just whooshing around the fan at different speeds.

More to come...
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And jumping ahead in time, this is how it looks when I finished.

The thread continues... back in time.
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Of course it's Orange. :)

Here's the blades from an old Tri-Cool which will be the donor fan for this little project. I haven't worried about the cowling of the fan as it's just an experiment at the moment. If I was to use this in a rig I'd get a decent fan, or at least a new Tri-cool that hadn't been in use for a year.

Cheap cheap Neon Orange spray paint (wife gave me a strange look when I bought it) looks amazing when I test sprayed a bit of a white melamine cupboard but on the fan it looks ok but not ORANGE like the cupboard. Oh well. I used a piece of paper to catch as much of the stray paint as I could.

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There are a couple of ways of making a circuit like this that I know of. There may very well be dozens but for now I know of two basic methods.

1) Use a PIC microcontroller. A PIC is like a little processor that you can load a program to and have it do certain things and one of those functions includes PWM to light LEDs.

2) Use a couple of Integrated circuits and a number of passive components to do it manually and logically.

I chose the second option partly because I don't have a PIC programmer but also because I wanted to learn a bit more about normal electronics.


The route I took was to use a 4017 decade IC (on the right), this 16 pin beauty basically can receive a timing signal and output it's own signal to one of it's 10 outputs. It's basically a counter. Multiple 4017 chips can be used to count tens, hundreds, thousands.

I used a 555 timer IC (on the left) to send the 4017 the clock pulse. The 555 timer chip has been around for years and basically works by using an external capacitor and a resistor to control how long the pulse takes. A large value resistor and a large value capacitor will take longer than a smaller value resistor and smaller value capacitor.

This is the schematic I came up with. This circuit is basically cobbled together from a few different circuits, it's not fully home made.


The 555 is controlled by a static capacitor and a variable resistor and outputs to an AND gate (2 x 1N914 and the 15000 ohm resistor) which will normally send the pulse to the right side chip, once that has pulsed through it's outputs it activates the second AND gate and starts sending the pulse to the left side chip. Each output on the 4017 chips goes to a second little circuit like is shown on LED1. I couldn't be bothered to draw it 17 moer times.

So the first thing I needed to do was just to check the way that the circuit works and put it on breadboard with just the one 4017 chip.

The circuit is a lot simpler but shows the effect of the dimming circuit at the far right LED. Notice how the first 9 LEDs basically flash quite dimly but the end one looks much nicer. This dimming effect is what I want to bring to this circuit.

Here are a number of the components and parts I have sourced over the last few weeks off eBay for this and future projects.

A basic prototype board. The components are mounted on the other side but circuits are made by the copper tracks. I use a drill to remove bits of copper where I wish a line to end.

Capacitors hold energy and are useful to smooth power delivery to items. Diodes are used to stop electron flow in one direction.

Resistors slow down the electron flow in a circuit so act as current limiters for devices. Pictured here above some electrolytic capacitors are a 2.2kohm and a 56ohm resistor, which are identified by the banding colours.

LEDs are semi conductors that emit light when electrons flow across them. Potentiometers are variable resistors where a turn of the little knob increases or decreases the resistance to electron flow.


These little sockets are useful if you want to switch ICs at any time. I blew one 555 chip so without this little holder it would have been tricky to unsolder all the pins and get it out.

And most importantly a basic multimeter which everyone should own.

I found a useful little program called VeroDES which allowed me to plan my circuit directly onto a virtual PCB. This is the circuit I came up with. I was able to check this against my Multisim schematic, which was proven to work through simulation.


Here are a few images taken as I was building the circuit on the veroboard. I could have saved so much space if I'd taken the time. I left so much room for the outputs when I needn't have worried about them.







Here is the main circuit all complete, apart from the potentiometer which I added a little later. At this stage I have no output wiring. The main bulk of the circuit is taken up with the dimming sub-circuits which include two transistors, two resistors and one capacitor per LED. What was I thinking? Just for a fan? This is total madness.


More to come...
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I initially didn't think about using PICs due to cost of buying the programmer but after spending a fair bit on all the components anyway I probably wouldn't have been much out of pocket. It's true though that I now have a good selection of components for any future projects as even though this project only needed 1 or 2 of things I've bought 10-100 of them.

I've been looking at pic programmers though and not sure what to get. Is there anything I need to know before making a purchase?
An update for you.

Here's another fan colour just for testing purposes. I'm wondering what difference a Black Gloss finish and the Orange Matt finish will make to the appearance of the end effect.


And so to the electronics...

Here is the finished PCB rear side soldering.


And once wired up.




I'm not the world's best solderer and although it looked fine to me under a magnifier it didn't work properly when I hooked up the wires to a breadboard.

I used 5 bits of BT spec cable to do the wiring because I had some left over from some rewiring. I did toy with the idea of using an old scart lead to do the wiring but decided against it as it used the briad screen as some of it's wiring and would get messy.

You can see that some of the lights work ok but then they go a little mental towards the end and don't really recover on the second pass.

So I had to go back to the board and try and find where I had made a mistake.

There were 1 or 2 instances where the timiest amount of solder had flowed across individual tracks and a couple of times where the tracks weren't cut properly by myself.

We are talking the slightest errors here. It's been 10+ years since I've dabbled with Veroboard and even then it was just the simplest of LM384 audio amplifier circuits so I think I did rather well.

Thankfully there was nothing wrong with the actual circuit! Good old Multisim!

So finally for this update here is a video of the actual working circuit. I'm using 2x5x7 Ultra Bright Orange LEDs which have a wide viewing angle for this test but will be using 3mm Ultra bright Orange standard lens types for the end project.

More to come tomorrow.
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So to marking out the fan with the correct gaps. It's quite tricky to get 18 LEDs on a fan as it's not an equal multiple of 4. I did the best I could. Had to remove one of the structural things at one of the corners.


Come to think of it the Orange doesn't look half bad.


Shove some LEDs in and hold in place with a blob of hot glue (this thing is a blessing).


Adding some wiring. Lots of Anode connections from the LED controller but only pne needed ground wire which I strung from one side to the other.


And the moment of truth. How does it look?


Here is the full assembly with poorly fitting leads and just one fan attached, yes this controller can send light to about 10 fans if fitted with LEDs the same way.


Here are a few shots of the fan at different cycle speeds. The ones with lots of lights are the fast ones, the ones with only 2 or 3 major lights are moving more solwly.

I think these are all with the Orange fan blades fitted. I've taken so many shots in various light states and with so many different coloured blades I can't be sure.






I'm uploading some videos....

....and then I will dig out the Black blade images and videos. :)
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Here's the first video recorded with Orange blades.

And with grey primer painted blades. This is very matt and you can see the way that the light is captured by the blades rather than being reflected and refracted.

There may be some background noise.
As mentioned fan in darkness run with black gloss fan blades.





Looks fine but is just not as brightly reflecting as I would have hoped. Maybe I will bung a coat of lacquer on top of the black and see how that comes out.

I'm wondering how it would come out with a white blade now but I don't have any white paint to test at the moment, it all went on some curtain rings a few months ago.
Wowzers that is extremely impressive. I think if you want to get as reflective as possible you'll need transparent/translucent blades.

Hmm maybe you are onto something there. I have a semi-transparent LED fan that came with the Alpenfoehn Brocken cooler. Might be worth a try bunging a few LEDs in that and seeing what effect it gives.

I did have my eye on an Enermax TB silence a while back as they have semi-transparent blades too and rather fancied it for the older static LED mod. Not sure if I want to spend £10+ on a fan though just for this.

We'll see. Will try out the fan I have first. It's just a matter of drilling 18 equispaced holes and hot glueing a few LEDs in.

Will you be miniaturizing the electronics? Or is that not feasible? Circuits are about as comprehensible as ancient greek to me :p.

To be quite honest with you I'm not sure if it is possible to reduce the electronic footprint down all that much and keep the circuit working the same way. If it weren't for the 18 dimming circuits the board could be relatively small, especially if I had more experience on PCB layouts.

The following video illustrates what the LED sequence would be like without those additional circuits. It's clever and everything but it can't compete in my opinion.

As mentioned above it is simpler to make this circuit using a PIC microcontroller, which is a chip that you can write code to so that it does certain things. I may very well grab one of the USB PIC programming thingies and see if I can make something similar. The footprint of that will be much much smaller.

And don't worry circuits are still mostly Greek to me too. I've only really taken an interest recently but had already dabbled with LEDs, but that was just LEDs and resistors, nothing more complex.

I did Engineering in college and Electronics was part of that course but I never got to do anything interesting, it was all maths and stuff. Boring.
Hopefully I can answer.

The 4017 chip apparently only puts out about 6mA of current so while it does illuminate I wouldn't call it super bright.

The video (shown above and here) is fed directly off the 4017 IC.

Here's an out take of the original schematic I posted.


This small circuit was cobbled together from a circuit I saw on pcbheaven which basically was the same with the addition of a potentiometer going to ground between the second transistor and the 2k2 resistor.

My limited knowledge tells me that when the base of the first Transistor goes high current flows from the collector to the emitter, fills the capacitor and activates the second transistor which in turn powers the LED. When current stops flowing from the 4017 decade counter the first transistor switches off, and the capacitor releases it's charge through the second transistor comparitevly slowly because of the 2k2 resistor. If I use a larger capacitance such as 220uF the LED would say lit for several seconds. if I increase the 2k2 resistor I would also get a longer dim effect. I messed around with many different values before deciding on 2k2 and 10uF.

Ideally it would be great if the dim time would increase as I slow down the seqeuncer but that's tricky to do with passives.
Whereabouts am I missing them mate?

Originally I planned to have one on the return but for some reason the dimming effect was lost. I don't have an ammeter so haven't been able to check current to the LEDs but reckon it is actually less than 20mA because they are not fully bright. There is very little difference on brightness between voltages too. If installing it in a PC I might regulate tge voltage down from 12.

Once built I did run the circuit at 12v for 18 hours or so to check for led failures.

Can you think of any improvements?)
Just run Multisim and it says the current flowing before the LED is a whopping 215mA. Surely it'd blow in no time if that were the case.

Maybe I will have to get myself an ammeter and check real world. I will have to slow the sequence right down though as it's too fast to grab a reading.

It's going to be a real pain to get a 400-500 ohm resistor on Q1 as it shares a track with the collector of Q2. Hmm it might be possible to shift Q2 down a track or two or break the tracks and use link wires.

Bit concerned though about brightness as well. They are already below maximum brightness even at 12v so bunging a limiting resistor in will surely reduce that further.

This is like the one I have. It's pretty basic but does have enough power.


Any inconsistencies in the soldering is probably due to my slight hand tremor and inexperience, this coupled with the fact that I made a million mistakes.

I know the joins were a bit of a hack but I kept losing tracks on the veroboard because I left the tracks a bit short in places. Ideally I would care more about the appearance but meh. :p

Just picked up an über cheap multimeter with current measuring capaibility of eBay. It's not an auto sensing one like mine but it'll do for stuff like this I'd imagine.
if you look at the link i posted, there are freebies around. Like i say, i really enjoyed using AXEPAD, but thats only does BASIC. If you're more of a flowchart person, then theres also a freebie flowchart programmer in the same link.

If you want to buy one, then at school we used PIC logicator. I believe the single user version is something like £15. And that primarily owrks with flowcharts, but has the function to convert it into BASIC and then carry on programming in BASIC (handy feature when you're trying to learn how BASIC works)

I was more talking about the actual hardware that you plug into your PC that allows you to program the chips, rather than the software, but thanks mate. :)

I've used BASIC since the 80s so am quite familiar with it but can adapt. I would imagine I would go for free stuff rather than paid for stuff because I'm tight and this is just for fun.

I saw a USB K150 USB pic programmer on eBay for £15 notes, do you think that would be sufficient for me to program a decent PIC?
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After some investigation into my dimming circuit it seems that the voltage to a UV Purple/Blue LED is only 3.6v at a 7.5v power source lowering to 3.0v for a 4.5v source. The current may be well high and I will check that when the multimeter arrives but I've noticed if I replace the R6 with a higher resistance the voltage for the LED drops further.

I think I can add in a resistor to Q2 collector without a massive amount of trouble to get 20mA for a single LED but if I then decide to add several fans to the controller board they'll get only half the current.

The original plan of having the resistor attached to the return was better, shame it didn't work.

Need to do some more experimenting it seems. I knew I should have built it properly on solderless breadboard but I only have the one and it was busy enough with just the 10 LEDs fitted. My inexperience showing through perhaps. Oh well it's all learning fun and keeps this prooject going a bit longer.

Tried lacquering the Orange fan up and it didn't work at all well. The existing paint seems to have reacted with the solvents in the lacquer and gone all blotchy and very matt. I will need to strip that and get some proper orange extra gloss paint.
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Will give that a shot. I can easily add a resistor (got loads of them) to each LED anode. If it is driving massive current then I understand that limiting it to 20mA would be best.

Not sure what is happening to my led voltage though. Surely it should be near source voltage, yet it's pulled right down.

Seeing as I'm only dropping 2 or so volts I could use my 56 ohm ones.
They are Ultra bright Orange 3mm LEDs with forward voltage of around 2.1v (measured on a different project). The max current is supposed to be 30mA with typical around 20mA. I've no idea what the max voltage would be, the place I got them from states 1.8-2.2v.

Will have a look at it today and see what voltage drop I get when adding resistors.
Yes I always use 470 ohm to current limit a single Orange LED and will give them a shot. That low voltage/high current thing threw me as I wasn't aware of the behaviour of LEDs that's all.

From what I've read and experienced you'd expect if it were anything like 200mA and 12v it would make the LED go pop instantly, that's why I'm confused.
Tested with a 470 ohm resistor and they aren't particularly bright. Connected up a pot and under 200 ohm the orange LEDs seem to go a little red, suggesting they are getting a bit much. My power supply was on 7.5v for the actual circuit and it was extremely dim with that, better at 470.

Might just grab some 250 ish resistors and see how it goes.

Have left it with pot attached at 200 to burn for a while so I can check for colour change.

Fitting a 2k2 resistor to the base on the first transistor didn't make a visible difference.

Ammeter hasn't arrived yet.

I also tested 4 orange LEDs in series on the emitter with no
Resistor and all 4 LEDs lit full bright.

Thanks. I think the effect is nice too. Well worth the 36 transistors, 36 resistors and 18 capacitors. :)

I should do a cost breakdown to see what this set me back.
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