Project: Negative10

New blue sleeving came today from Pexon. Mega happy with how well it goes with the red & green. Imo it looks better than the blue I current have in my eps cables. What do you lot think?
After having the kit to make my custom cables for nearly two years, I finally found the time & motivation to get the 8pin eps cables done! Somehow I made an error with the length of one cable? It's shorter than the rest which I don't understand. It still, just about, reaches without tension so I'm happy to install it but I will redo it at another stage.

the cable dose look perfect, like made to measure
the cable dose look perfect, like made to measure
Yeah it is, I want every cable made to measure. I'm still baffled how that one individual cable is so much shorter than the rest. Oh well, it'll get fixed. Currently working on the GPU cables now, which involves merging two pins into one. Fun fun fun!
So much time and money gone into the pc.... Paint the room buddy,
Haha I will when I can be bothered. I just means taking everything out, removing the ***** wallpaper, then filling in the holes & cracks etc before I can paint it. I just don't have time to do all that at the moment. But it's definitely on my to do list.
Do you mean the other side of the wall it's mounted on? If so, then no because that's an external wall. Other than mounting it on the wall behind my chair (like pictured in one of the previous photos further up) and using long cables to connect the monitor & psu to the sockets, this is the best position I've got.
ah, ok - looked like you might be under the stairs is why im saying this - we found a nice area which we were able to put special stuff in, under stairs,
ah, ok - looked like you might be under the stairs is why im saying this - we found a nice area which we were able to put special stuff in, under stairs,
I am under the stairs too lol. The layout of the house is: go in the front door, immediately to the right is the bathroom and immediately to the left is the stairs. Going up the stairs, left hand wall is the front of the house. Hopefully the image below of what I described helps?
I think I prefer the pastel (on the GPU cable) personally, although both look pretty good.

Really nice work with the build in general btw! I've been tempted for years to hack my case up and make a custom wall mount enclosure (using the motherboard tray and rad mountings etc)
I think I prefer the pastel (on the GPU cable) personally, although both look pretty good.

Really nice work with the build in general btw! I've been tempted for years to hack my case up and make a custom wall mount enclosure (using the motherboard tray and rad mountings etc)
Thank you, I definitely prefer that one too. Since that photo was taken, I've tidied up the GPU cables & redone the cpu cables, just need to tidy them up today but that'll be tricky because they twist so much due to the pinouts. After that, it's the big 24 pin!
Found some time to redo the cpu cables & tidy both cpu and gpu cables up. Whilst they're not perfect (having the psu visible makes it 10x more difficult), I'm happy with how they've turned out, this being the first time I've made custom cables & also first time I've done cable threading.

Anyone got any tips on how to get the perfect cable length every time when doing specific routes where the psu is on show?
Found some time to redo the cpu cables & tidy both cpu and gpu cables up. Whilst they're not perfect (having the psu visible makes it 10x more difficult), I'm happy with how they've turned out, this being the first time I've made custom cables & also first time I've done cable threading.

Anyone got any tips on how to get the perfect cable length every time when doing specific routes where the psu is on show?
looks good - might look nice if you saved the money on fancy cables and popped it inside some plastic ducting - it would look cleaner - but i suppose aesthetically its in the eye of the beholder!
looks good - might look nice if you saved the money on fancy cables and popped it inside some plastic ducting - it would look cleaner - but i suppose aesthetically its in the eye of the beholder!
The blue sleeving is only £1/meter & the red sleeving and green sleeving is £0.85/meter so it's dead cheap tbh. Spent around £21 on 24 meters of sleeving. Imo ducting looks horrible, I like seeing each cable neatly in a line. Each to their own though.
Anyone got any tips on how to get the perfect cable length every time when doing specific routes where the psu is on show?
Essentially you don't make complete cables first. You roughly measure the length of wire you need for the various runs and give some healthy extra, and then only add pins to the PSU side before fully sleeving all the wires. hen with the cables plugged into the PSU you run your cables exactly where they need to go as tightly/loosely as you desire the end result to be, complete with whatever combs you're using.

When it's all in place and tidy how you want it, let it sit for a while to let the wires train and take shape. Then you can trim all the wires to the exact length you need them before popping the remaining crimps on.
Essentially you don't make complete cables first. You roughly measure the length of wire you need for the various runs and give some healthy extra, and then only add pins to the PSU side before fully sleeving all the wires. hen with the cables plugged into the PSU you run your cables exactly where they need to go as tightly/loosely as you desire the end result to be, complete with whatever combs you're using.

When it's all in place and tidy how you want it, let it sit for a while to let the wires train and take shape. Then you can trim all the wires to the exact length you need them before popping the remaining crimps on.
So to summarise what you're saying:
Step 1) cut X amount of wires roughly to the length I need them plus a little extra for safety.
Step 2) crimp one end of the wire.
Step 3) sleeve the wire & seal the end which is crimped (I'm going heatshrinkless for aesthetics).
Step 4) run all the wires in the desired path for a while (how long is enough?) to train them into position.
Step 5) once trained, trim excess wire & crimp ends.
Step 6) trim sleeving & seal the ends.
Step 7) plug in
Step 8) (optional) I'm not using cable combs, instead I'm threading the cables for a more subtle, clean look.

Have I got all the steps correct or have I missed something?
Finally finished sleeving & lacing the 24pin tonight! I'm not 100% happy with how some of the cables turned out because they were ultra stiff getting into the connector & a couple of sleeves have the melted ends showing, but it's good enough to go into the build for now. Because I chose the colour scheme so long ago, I won't lie, I've kinda gone off the red green & blue scheme now but because I made the cables myself I like them enough to use them. The next set I make will be for a sff psu & I'll take more time and care with those. For now, this is how the build is looking.
Finally finished sleeving & lacing the 24pin tonight! I'm not 100% happy with how some of the cables turned out because they were ultra stiff getting into the connector & a couple of sleeves have the melted ends showing, but it's good enough to go into the build for now. Because I chose the colour scheme so long ago, I won't lie, I've kinda gone off the red green & blue scheme now but because I made the cables myself I like them enough to use them. The next set I make will be for a sff psu & I'll take more time and care with those. For now, this is how the build is looking.

Those cables look very neat and tidy to me - nice work!

Did you heat the coloured sleeving at the ends to get them to fit in the connectors?
What did you use for thread for the bindings? Are they tied-up/knotted behind the cable bundles?(sounds fiddly to get the tension right and lined up!)
Thank you!

Yeah, I used heat shrink on every end to keep the sleeving tight. Then I cut the sleeving off to keep it looking clean. Some cables had sleeving ending up a little too loose which made it difficult to push into the connectors. Next time, I'll try using a little bit of lube I bought for my keyboard switches. The 24 pin, in my experience at least, has been notoriously difficult to push in all the way to the point where it clips into place. Before plugging it in this time, I put a small bit of lube on the sides of each part of the connector (cable side, not mobo side) & it slid on all the way almost effortlessly!

For the thread, I used a thread called WildFire from Beadalon on Amazon (size name 0.008 inch). The method of tying the cables together with the thread, I used a guide on YouTube titled 'How to Hand Lace / Stitch PC Cables' by a channel called Elevated Systems. Video is 13:12 long. It's fiddly but once you get into a rhythm it's not too bad.
Why dose it look like there is a missing cable on the 24pin?
Because it's a split cable. Two cables from the psu side join together to go into one pin slot on the mobo side.

On the GPU, it's got one pin from the psu split into to going into the GPU. That was the difficult part, trying to make the joins look the least ugly I could. I kept the joins close to the psu, out of the way, as hidden as I could.
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