Project ネルフ NERV (Picture Heavy.)

Damn you op

I keep coming back to your thread

I fear for my credit cards well sing this weekend

Lovely build and those gpus give me the horn
The covers for GPU are made from acrylic, and acrylic material only. There was no other material used, I don't really understand where you're getting the painted aluminium from

Ah I see, I had no idea you could get painted/tinted acrylic :D

Looks awesome!
Damn you op

I keep coming back to your thread

I fear for my credit cards well sing this weekend

Lovely build and those gpus give me the horn
Haha :) The GPUs are much cheaper now, I paid 440 for each, now they're like 300.



Ah I see, I had no idea you could get painted/tinted acrylic :D

Looks awesome!
You can, just go to eBay and search for "red acrylic sheet" or any other colour. Covers were very easy to do, just take your time and don't rush :)

Wow, this should be amazing :)

Please call the PC Melchior when it's built :p
wow, just wow

Haha thanks! I will do :D

Anyway I thought I'll mention. I'm very busy with work and college so it takes ages for me to even design something because of all the funny shifts I get...

Whenever I can though, I'm working on my ideas in Google Sketch up. Just now I'm designing a new side panel for 800D because I wish for the HDD/DVD bays Cover to be visible.

Wish to show you even just a quick screenshot, in my mind it looks awesome, but it takes time and there is almost nothing yet as there is a lot into it lol.

After I finish working on the windowed side panel, I'll start working on the non-windowed side panel.

After two above I'll start thinking about:

  • GPU Covers.
  • Radiator Stands.
  • Spear of Longinus.
  • Some cool design for the front of the case.

I will make couple of versions for every single thing, like 1-3 and then will ask you for an advice which one to pick. I'll try posting screenshots of all the work I'll be doing whenever I can.

If anyone wonders how much a realisation of the DVD/HDD bay cover cost from scratch, including cutting, engraving and painting job, we're talking about 100-150GBP.

See you soon.
Thansk for clarifying - this'll be interesting - I hardly noticed any benefit when I did this on my HAF 932 case so I'll be interested to see how yours performs.
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