Really sorry about the lack of updates guys! I've had problems with the computer for a month and been back at uni. I have taken pictures throughout though. I've just rebuilt it this week, and it seems to be working find now, so here it is
Start off with something fun! Who wants to see a miniITX board in a 900D?
Stole some grommets from my CM690II (and the one at work... shh!
and drilled the holes in the plate. At this point i've no idea if they will be exactly right, since i can't measure everything up, but they are in the right general location, and away from any obstructions below.
Finally wrapped the plate
I'm quite happy with that.
The grommets didn't work as well as i expected though...
Quite a steep slope between the front rad hole and the grommet. Too bad the radiator is just below it... I'll have to find a 45 degree monsoon fitting.
Finally getting round to fitting everything!
Such a mess... (it's going to get worse!)
Rads and PSU fitted. (Ride-em Squirrel!)
Assembling my shoggy sandwich! As you can see, i've used some magnets for the base. It actually works very well and holds it in place in the bottom of the case, but you can move it around wherever you like manually.
Some front mess this time and some fittings.
Shoggy sandwich ingredients up close.
It sticks to anything! (as long as it has iron content)
NOOO! The double sided sticky tape wasn't as sticky as i planned. ended up ripping the whole thing off
At least the bottom one worked...
I have my own sticky tape!
Problem solved! Looks very steampunk!
My first ever tubing cut, and a short one at that! The valve is now fitted to the radiator!
Here's the long one! Not exactly as I'd planned out, but this saves a lot more tubing as well as a fitting. It looks a bit better too.
The drain. Worked out very nicely!
Attached the long tube run to the top radiator.
And fitted the pump with plenty of room to spare.
The 45 degree fitting arrived!
Finally tubed up the CPU block. Looking good! There's something missing though... I wonder what it is!
That's the one!
The screws, they're so tight! (That's what he said)
Yo dawg! I heard you like screwdrivers. I put a screwdriver in a screwdriver so you can unscrew a screw while you unscrew a screw!
Needed more leverage for the minuscule screwdriver that came with the waterblock, so i stuck it in a female star fitting (can't remember the proper name)
And the new block fitted!
That looks much better!
I decided that the grommets didn't go well after all, so i left them out. The holes look neat anyway with the carbon wrap. I'm unsure about the orange sleeve colour now though.
Time to fill her up. I don't have a funnel, so this weird contraption will have to do.
And a wide shot.
Those pesky bubbles!
Now THAT'S what you call a mess. My 27" was now sold, so i had to make do with a tiny 19" screen on the side of my room since the cable i had couldn't reach to the shelf at the back... Bring on weeks of playing dungeon defenders with my keyboard on my lap
Unfortunately the fan on my XFX 1000w Pro was sporadic, and would spin up terribly even at 60w load (should be only over 300w load). I kept it for a few weeks like that but it got very annoying so i returned it for a new shiny RM850.
Looks cleaner than the XFX at least.
Remember how I said that I didn't like the orange of the sleeving?
Why not make my own 70cm extensions! (Cost a FORTUNE though for the sleeving and tools)
Thanks Nils!
Since I was going to remove the grommets, i thought it may be fun to add a white background.
Finally chose the monitor that I wanted! I was looking at the Dell and Asus 27/30" monitors but the price of the 30" and the backlight bleed issues of the 2713hm were putting me off. This showed up on offer for £500 rather than £800 so i snapped it up straight away!
The picture quality and ID is amazing! Really glad I got this monitor.
Then I start to get more problems. My OCZ 480GB SSD dies on it's first day, and most of the time, the computer fails to POST the first 2 or 3 times. I've tried everything here except taking it apart.
It's the holidays now, so i managed to find time taking my PC apart and running it on the test bench. No errors.
Rebuild it and again, no errors. I'm baffled
A month after i returned the SSD, i get the replacement. It dies on it's first day. I'm not happy.
Everything else, however works fine and i'm back to my nice clutter free (and very nice looking compared to before) setup!
Look how thin the monitor is!
Back on my back shelf
Fancy new Wallpaper
The back is quite cluttered there, and the 24pin cable is too short so the end of it warps. I'll need to do some cable management, but after i've made my new cables! (still got the MDPC ones to make when i find time next)
Custom stand for headphones and xbox controller!
I really need to cable manage after i've sold and tidied up all my old PC components
And here we get the before/after shot! (i'll do a better one when i've tidied the desks and finished cabling)
I'll update this later on when i've finished cabling and tidied up, but that's pretty much it for the time being!