I love to see how split people are over this case! It certainly makes the build log far more interesting haha

It certainly seems like a marmite case!
No, without further to do, lets see what my awesome sponsors have sent me for this build shall we?!
The first 2 that I'm going to show are
MSI a new sponsor for me although I have been talking to them for around 12 months waiting to do a build with them for a while, and have attended many events with these guys, they are pretty awesome!!!
HyperX. I'm pretty sure anyone who has seen one of my build logs before knows that I LOVE LOVE LOVE these guys and gals. They help me out all the time and the people are great! If I could choose a company to work for... it would be HyperX!
MSI will be providing the motherboard for this build. They sent me the X99 A SLI Krait Edition with USB 3.1
This board matches the build colour perfectly!
I'm sure i can add some orange easily if I do decide to pop a little bit of colour into this...
This will be my second experience with X99, Nom Nom Nom
Plenty of sata ports on this board, always great to see!
For all you M.2 lovers, this has a front slot.
and now for
These guys have been awesome and sent me the following
Savage SSDs and also their new
Predator DDR4 (click the links for more information on these as they have some great specs!)
So, HyperX sent me 2 SSDs, both are the same drives, but one comes with a great little adapter and case to enable you to run any SSD drive from USB. This is awesome for me as it means i can keep all my games on one drive and just move them between computers!
These have an updated design from the 3k series, but still have the prominent X we all love
This is the case that came with one of the drives.
Its as simple as putting the SSD into it....
then locking it using the little switch on the back. It comes with a USB cable and its plug and play! Winner!
HyperX also sent me this ram.... NOM NOM NOM!!!!
When I get a silly amount of ram, i like to make spiral staircases with it....
So what happens when we put MSI and HyperX together?!
It's a match made in heaven!
There is something about 8 sticks of ram that just make things look... beastly.
I will leave you with this one last picture, if I get time I will show some more sponsor products tomorrow!