After the long and daunting impossibility of trying to find, purchase and ship a 3x120mm top panel for my Lian-Li PC-A71F, I got rather fed up and have put custom watercooling of my main rig "on hold" until X79 comes out.
This left me in a bit of a lull, I haven't actually done any case modding or projects (proper projects, a plain off the shelf build log isn't a project) for a long while, since the days of the Socket 478 P4 I believe.
So I had a look around what hardware I had, and noticed some DDR3 that I won from OcUK back in February, Patriot branded (hence part of the reason for the name, the other will be the internal colour scheme, Red, White, and Blue), and pondered what to do with it. In the end I decided to bring my Phenom II 720BE out of retirement, bring it into the current generation (from its old 700 series DDR2 chipset), and see about getting it unlocked to 4 core, and overclocked a bit.
I also spotted (as some of you will know if you have read the CoolerMaster ATCS Case Pics thread) a gem of a Coolermaster ATC-600-SX1 on eBay and HAD to have it (always had a soft spot for ATCS Coolermasters, they are just soooo much prettier than the junk they sell today)!
I'm cannibalising a PC that I built back in 2009 for use as a server (but hasn't been used for 12+ months), that's where the drives and the Phenom II are coming from, but beyond that I've ordered all the bits, tools, and components needed to start commencing the project, the spec is as follows:
Coolermaster ATC-600-SX1 Desktop Case
AMD Phenom II 720 Black Edition CPU
CoolIT ECO A.L.C 120MM Cooler
4GB Patriot Extreme PC3-12800 DDR3 RAM
MSI 880GM-E41 Micro ATX Motherboard
Sapphire AMD Radeon 5770 1GB GPU
2x Hitachi Deskstar 320GB HDD in RAID0
So the basic plan (will go into more detail when I get chance to get pics/drawings/3D models posted) is to create a custom mount for the 120MM radiator of the CoolIT ECO A.L.C, separate the the PSU from the motherboard half of the case to create two different thermal zones, hide as much as the cabling as possible (difficult given the layout and the fact that there is literally nothing to hide the cabling behind, will involve a lot of custom length PSU cabling, a lot of braiding, and some inginuity), and cover the motherboard with "something", not really sure what yet.
I'm just waiting on some peices of aluminium, my 114mm hole saw, and the braiding to arrive

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