Project: Plasma Cannon

wow loving the feed back guys seems a lot have subscribed :D I wont let you down

Cant wait to see this! Im presuming your going to enter a comp or two? And most likely win them! Good luck!

Do you really think its that good ? :) never thought about entering it in a competition. Any suggestions of events happening like this ? it will be a while till this project is finished though

haha should definately impliment some sort of pew pew noise into it somehow.

Keep an eye out for the next build log post it will mostly be the Grip ;) and im going to experiment with some rather cool effects at the electronics stage stay tuned!
Wow this looks amazing i love builds like this and it seems you have the skills to pull it off.

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The Main Grip

Spent ages thinking of ways to get the grip looking cool first of all starting looking at air rifles and then moved onto water pistols and similar things but always ran into problems like theses

Too flimsy
Look was poor/cheep
Too boring/ didn’t look futuristic
Or was impractical to modify

Then finally remembered I had a Light gun from years ago that stuck in a box waiting for me to sell it “XBox Sniper Scope Rifle” it’s perfect looked futuristic and sturdy with an added bonus of an electronic trigger. Maybe I could hock this up to the multiswitch.


Ok so I have my grip now time to strip out all the electronics and mechanics inside with the exception of the trigger switch.





With such an tricky shape and the difficulty of attaching it the main body I needed some method of making sure it wouldn’t come away from the main body of the cannon so my plan was to fill the inside of the hollow grip with 2 sheets of 3mm aluminum that would allow me to attach it the body and provide some stability then fill it in with some plastic resin.



Cool mechanical force feedback but unfortunately it has too go :(


To get the shape I set out taking measurements of the inside with the help of a trusty piece of cardboard and a knife getting it as good as I could for laser cutting but expect to make some modifications to get it to fit.



Didn’t have this idea till later but going to remove the hat stitch and have a standard single switch and hook that up to the CD tray eject. But am going to keep the hat switch just encase one of you guys have a excellent idea on how I can use it but remember I’m not short on switches on this project. Electronics will come much later when I have the bodywork finished for now it’s just a hole and a support





As expected needed to trip down the laser cut material to fit unfortunately had to trim it down a lot more then I liked but it still has the strength not to snap off. The 2 “claws at the top will fix into the 2 main support bracket at the base of the body and then a slot in the back to give it some extra strength. I will leave the resin till later as I still need to do the electronics and I will need to take this apart at that stage

An so the modifications begin!


The 1st plate allowing for the trigger.


Both plates bolted together


Yes this aluminum is very scratched but in this case it isn't going to matter really as its all hidden by the plastic cover and fingers crossed the rough surface will help the resin grip to the aluminum.


The plastic Grip had to be cut down a lot too with the help of a hacksaw and a mini rotary tool




The green parts don’t really fit will the colour theme of this project so going they are going to be re-sprayed gold. The trigger I was planning to replace this with a milled aluminum one but due to the complex shape and the mechanics behind it Think it’s just best to spray it and have a metal insert below is a Test Piece out of Brass but will probably change this to brushed aluminum



The Gray and black Pieces are going to be totally replaced and milled plates put in with some really cool etched effects and then fixed into the grip and the oval area. Will get you guys some nice screenshots of that when it happens don’t worry you haven’t missed it!



And here it is connected to the body (will get the 2nd claw attachment done soon)




Short piece of scrap to give some stability


And then attached the cover



Next Big post will be the hard drive bay aka the barrel.. Cya soon guys
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Thanks again for all the support :cool:

I love the look of this.. Get this on Bit-tech, you'll be sure to win some goodies.

May put it on other forums when its complete but for now its staying only with Overclockers :D

It will be a while before I get onto the internal parts but has anyone got any suggestions on how to get sponsorship for Aqua Computer parts ? I need 7 parts from them for this project but I have never attempted sponsorship before, This is my only build log and my other complete projects are kind of old now but still have them ;)
If you can't get sponsorship for this given the imagination and vision involved - not to mention the excellent work done so far then there is no hope! As above - contact everyone, show them what you've shown us and I'm sure someone will stand and deliver ;)


Just a thought - what are you planning to do about the cables? I see the 3 you have in the stock going down, but wouldn't it spoil the line to have them dangling free? Have you thought about some sort of a mount/dock/pedestal for the gun - that way you can hide all the connections in the dock and the gun looks clean?
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