Project- Power PC with antec side project
Project- Power PC
Status- Day 6 epic failure
Parts still required- psu
number of swear words uttered to date- 612- the psu blowing added a good few hundred
well i made a fatal mistake last week and indulged in some drunken ebay bidding.
the result being I ended up the owner of 5 powermac G4s
now having always wanted to build a G5 powermac pc i thought this would be an ideal opportunity to build something that little bit "different"
so here we are at the beginning of Project- Power PC
final aim
G4 mac case with a fully watercooled sandybridge/ivybridge gaming system running 24/7 with fancy lights and snazzy looks
whatever i find in the shed along with copious amounts of chemical metal
this is what i picked up
i have a total of 5 power pcs one of which has been spared due to being a bit "tasty"
this has been saved
its a MDD(mirrored drive door model and comes equipped with 2x 867 mhz cpus and thanks to a bit of canibalisation from the other macs a rage 128 pro gpu and 384 megs of ram (it rocks)
slighty better pic, This is taking over my daily duties once i install osx 10.5 on it until such time as project pile of crap/power pc is completed
now these macs seem quite straightforward to work with look at the nice easy catch for opening the sides up
and the guts of a mac
this is the MDD which i am not using as the backplate is totally wrong for a atx layout so i've moved onto one of the lesser g4s
I got a bit carried away at this point and forgot to take pics so heres an empty powermac G4. having dinner then the dremels coming out,
hopefully have a mobo test fitted this evening.
one stripped G4 case, see how easy that was
now to cannibalise my daily rig for a psu and get stuck in
oh btw any ideas/suggestions/criticism is all more than welcome, if you think something would work or look cool then tell me
Project- Power PC
Status- Day 6 epic failure
Parts still required- psu
number of swear words uttered to date- 612- the psu blowing added a good few hundred
well i made a fatal mistake last week and indulged in some drunken ebay bidding.
the result being I ended up the owner of 5 powermac G4s
now having always wanted to build a G5 powermac pc i thought this would be an ideal opportunity to build something that little bit "different"
so here we are at the beginning of Project- Power PC
final aim
G4 mac case with a fully watercooled sandybridge/ivybridge gaming system running 24/7 with fancy lights and snazzy looks
whatever i find in the shed along with copious amounts of chemical metal

this is what i picked up

i have a total of 5 power pcs one of which has been spared due to being a bit "tasty"
this has been saved

its a MDD(mirrored drive door model and comes equipped with 2x 867 mhz cpus and thanks to a bit of canibalisation from the other macs a rage 128 pro gpu and 384 megs of ram (it rocks)

slighty better pic, This is taking over my daily duties once i install osx 10.5 on it until such time as project pile of crap/power pc is completed

now these macs seem quite straightforward to work with look at the nice easy catch for opening the sides up

and the guts of a mac

this is the MDD which i am not using as the backplate is totally wrong for a atx layout so i've moved onto one of the lesser g4s
I got a bit carried away at this point and forgot to take pics so heres an empty powermac G4. having dinner then the dremels coming out,

one stripped G4 case, see how easy that was

oh btw any ideas/suggestions/criticism is all more than welcome, if you think something would work or look cool then tell me

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