Project : Purple Rain

Just seen this thread! Stunning result :cool:

Although I personally preferred the braided tubing, thought that looked amazing :)

Cheers mate.

Had the photographer from Custom PC magazine around this afternoon to take a few snaps.

I'll be using the braided tubing in the future ;)

Thanks for all the comments, much appreciated :)

Da[]San;15945637 said:
Nice job Mark, when will it be in the magazine?

I'm told issue 81 , the next one.

Be prepared to see my ugly mug in there so you might not want to get it now :D


does a idea pop into your head and you just do it or something ;).. lol anyway Great build Great Quality wish i had the money to do something like this haha

Great stuff
does a idea pop into your head and you just do it or something ;).. lol anyway Great build Great Quality wish i had the money to do something like this haha

Great stuff

Holy thread revival Batman !

Basically, yes.

A few drawings of ideas on bits of paper and a bit of freestyle modding along the way.

Thanks for the comment :)

oops sorry didnt realise how old it was haha

Damn i'd love to be able to do that

looks like you have some imagination what do you do as a job some sort of designer maybe?? haha or no job at all seeing how much free time you have

Great projects anyway.. im looking out for anything else you do

should be doign my own project(s) soon anyway... current plan for next one is throw this NZXT M59 case out (horrible for cable tidy'ing) and get the watercooling setup in corsair 800d going with upgrade to i7

I love you the brading you've done too

Must say i dont have the dedication to do it my self haha

Great work

I cannot believe I didn't see this! I've been trawling through the build logs since I registered on here... This is one seriously amazing looking build! I can't say what bits are my favourites as there's too many to list in a single post!

I think you did the right thing with the tubing though, the white looks great! Love the 'etched' name panel too.

Hopefully one day I'll have the money/patience/time to do something like this myself! So many ideas, so little means to put any of them into motion :( life isn't fair lol
Fantastic build, old thread but oh well. Sorry if it's been asked before but how long do you reckon you spent on braiding altogether? I'm pondering doing a bunch of it but it looks like it's gonna take ages.
Fantastic build, old thread but oh well. Sorry if it's been asked before but how long do you reckon you spent on braiding altogether? I'm pondering doing a bunch of it but it looks like it's gonna take ages.

Like everything, it comes with practice.

I can probably do a 24 pin power cable, singled wire braiding, in a couple of hours to give a rough idea.

Best way is to pre-cut the braid and heatshrink first, so you have a pile of the stuff, then do the actual braiding. That way you can build up a rhythm instead of constantly reaching around for tools.
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