Project: Rebuild It

Ok promised..some more pictures!

First of all...the lighting

The Heatsink taken off the 6770 to put the cool-labs liquid metal square

and after a little clean up

The pretty chamber of the case

How she looks now

and in her little place next to my desk

Coming soon - a special collaboration!
OK here we go....some more pictures for you...New braided cables, made up especially for me by out very own (that was the special collaboration)

A massive massive thankyou to Dave who has done an incredible job doing shrinkless paracord braiding for puts my previous attempts to massive shame!

Here are the pictures

The cables arrived!

Look how a neat a job Dave has done!!

24 pin in place

Rubbish focus...but the 8pin cpu cable in place

The PCIE in place (actually 2x 6+2's so I can plug in a new card easily in future

The whole lot in place

Once again a HUGE thanks to Davido_Labido for doing all this work for me!!!

Also....this is my cats reaction to the build
The build has been chugging away for a while....then i got some random blue screen errors....turns out 1 of my generic sticks of crap ram died.
Luckily Gibbo is some kind of reducing price god and did me a deal on the Avexir Yellows, and they arrived today!

they are pretty
Another update!! New fans for the H80! got these at a steal price from a friend who never even took them out of the box! If they are nice and quiet I may purchase some more and replace the rest of the case fans with them.
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