Project: ROG

17 Apr 2011
This build started off life as A bit of a project to see how much I could fit in a relativly small case.

Unfortunatly this all had to change as you will see through out the build log.

Ok so Basically i started off with a realy nice Coolermaster Storm Scout case.
Iremoved all my old hardware (later installing into my 6 year olds PC) And striped the case right back.



Now I knew i wanted to go red and black for this build. so i decided to go for the ASUS maximus IV extream MB as the basis. Now the only problem with this MB is it oversized. its not a EATX MB as it still only has 7 slots but its width is extended to take into account the probe start/reset buttons LN2 switch, lcd poster.

And this prooves to be a problem in a case specifically desighned for a standerd ATX MB. As I worked out i was going to loose my cable managemeant holes So I had to have a rethink and then cut some new ones.

So i cut one on the drivebay, using a lan drawing of the MAXIVE i marked out where the powercabel will comeinto the MB. and used the dremel to cut it out.


Also a small slot in the top of the drave bays to allow all the USB stuff to go behined the MB tray.


Then using some carbon fibre sheet i had left over, I used to make a HDD cover.


And then I decided to try a bit of window etching. As I was tempted to replace the window on the case anyway I thought. Why not give it a go.

Used CS2 to make the writing and fliped it so it was reversed. build/SDC11681.jpg

Then I removed the window from the side panel. Only pushclips so its very easy.


I then taped the log to the outside of the window. and using a dremel with a etching cutter I slowly traced the outlines and then shaded the letter.



Coming up next: Shopping day.
Shopping time.

So It was time to go and do a spot of Hardware shopping. So I took the day off work and ventured out to get all my goodies.

So a grand or something later and


The spec i came home with:

  • Maximus IV extream
  • intel i5 2500
  • 8gb of Corsair vengance
  • 1tb samsung spinpoint hdd
  • 1000watt powersupply
  • 2X ASUS 6870 graphics cards
  • tp link usb wireless adaptor dont have room with both gpu's to use my PCIE one)

So i imediatly started tearing open boxes and sticking things togeather like a kid at xmass.







I would just like to say at this point. BUT OMG what a horrid sound the CPU socket makes when you try to clamp down the cpu on a nice new boared. I had to check 3 times in the book to make sure i was actualy doing it right lol.


Next time: the actualy build working.
The build

Ok now you are about to witness one of the tightest MB fitmeant ever.


their is exactly 1mm of space between the motherboared and the drivecage :eek:

Powersupply hole lined up ok. not bad considering I got a picture of the mb off the internet. and used PS to blow it up to the actual size so i could lay it in the case lol


Graphics cards installed.


:mad: CABLES :mad:


back of the case


smexy io plate


Next time: Watercooling
Ok so i orderd an XSPC 120mm watercooling Kit.

As their is only room for a 120mm radiator in this case.

The kit arrived promptly and i was pretty impressed this is the first time i had done a watercooling kit for 5 years since i had my old rig with a thermaltake kandalf LCS case.


Now I was going to lap the CPU block but after seeing it there was no need it was very well polished.


So CPU block installed


Rad and fan installed


Tubing fitted


then i filled the system and leak tested it for a whole day.


And after no leaks where found i installed everything backinto the case and started her up.


I then went into the Bios and did a quick OC to the 2500 using the turboV mode and speedstep. Giving 4.2ghz oc and the ram oced to 1866mhz

And ran a few benchmarks


And then I tested out the watercooling kit to see what it performed like with only a 120mm rad.


Next time: :confused: To much heat from the GPU's in such a small case.
Well after having the PC like this for a few weeks. It cam to my attention that allthough the CPU was being cooled nicely. The amount of heat umped out by the two GPU's was causing themselfs issue's.

So their was only one thing for it realy.








And some smexy looking fans to go in it as well





Well theirs deffinatly a lot more room







Next time: Something not quite right with this case.
HMMMMM something is missing here


I know what it is.

Gold stripes removed.


sanded down.


Primed up.


And then a few coates of shiney honda RED lol.


Now this is more like it.



Ok so basically I am pretty much cought up on here as to where my rig is now.

Apart from these.


And the addition of my new pc chair in matching colours. (modelled by my 5 month old Corey)


And it seems as though Corey is happy with it atleast.


Now tomorow or tuesday I should have a ton of black tygon tubbing. A 240mm X 60mm phibya G-changer rad to replace the 120mmX30mm rad. And some black dye.

Now i just have to get some bitfenix fittings and get them chromed in red :D

Hope you like the rig so far.
Nicely done! what is that applications on your desktop, the bar with loads of apps/games on it.
Like the theme of it + the chair!
Nicely done! what is that applications on your desktop, the bar with loads of apps/games on it.
Like the theme of it + the chair!

it is rocketdock + taskbar remover + rog skin.

then i found some icons i liked most of them from rocketdocks site and diviant art.#

he icons pop up bigger a bit like OSX icons when you mouse over them.

Right, well i decided to give my self the day off today. Joys of being self employed lol. As I am expecting my delivery for my new rad and tubing anytime now..............ANY TIME NOW!!! Nope didnt work.

Anyway wile im waiting for said items. I thought i would do a few bits to the case, thgat have been bothering me.

Firts of which is to fit the Phobya pre modded cables. I was going to do my own cables. But i needed extention cables for the GPU's anyway and they where so cheap it i just went for them.


Fitted they make such a great difference. they have a very dence weave so you can barely see the yellow wires that they are hiding.


And that picture brings me onto something else that has been annoying me.

On the motherboards heatsinks their is the little ROG logo that lights up. Now because i have the raven case. this logo is now on it side. Its a tiny tiny thing but its niggling at me.

After having a look it is basically just stuck on with sticky pads underneath. So I whiped it off. turned it the right way up and restuck it.



Also one thing the raven case is deffinatly lacking is rubber gromets. much cheaper cases than this supply them. so i was a bit miffed that it did not come with them.

SO what can i use to block off the holes that allow you to see into the rear of the case....................


OH YEAH!!!!!

So got the dremel out and cut a few strips of it. Sanded down the edges and then used car polish to seal the edges. (very important this, as carbon fibre is like a compressed spunge. and it like nothing more than to soak up[ an moistoir in the air. so on these cut edges you need to use wax or polish to seal them up. so they dont do it. As once carbon starts to blow. their will be splinters of it all over the place if you dont get rid of it before it fully delaminates) Wow uber bracket sentence their.............. moving on.



Carbon fitted please note fingretips will be removed after the glue has gone off.


Next on the agenda is the rear fan that blows aironto the back of the MB and also provides the hdd's with some extra air to breath.

Problem is this fan is unfiltered. and so blows all sorts of dust into the back of the case. Not good.

So after a brieth stealth mission (I still got caught) I found a pair of leggins. Cut off one of the toes and streatched it over the fan. mounted the fan in place and it looks all hunky dory. She will never know. Untill she found the pair of leggins with no toe on one side and a pair of scissors next to them. :eek:

So after a breith discussion about me not needing to ut up her leggins if she would dust a bit more often, i woke up in intensive care. and am now on a soup only diet. but hey the leggins work great as a filter. lol



So now thats all done im just gonna sit here brows the forum untill me new bits turn up. :D
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