Project - She'll do mate

had a play around with the idea ive got for the cable management, its going to involve a lot of these


and then something like this, possibly with some black split room around it to tidy it up.


and heres how it will look from the back

Get some of the speedclick bits for the dremmel... the best thing ever for cutting metal cases. The ones you get with it are horrible and often shatter into a million bits and hurt!
Case is looking tidy. Anyway dont worry about what you cant see.. ;)
very minor update

i picked up some split loom the other day and had a little play around with it.


quite happy with the outcome just needs to be sorted out for the final build.

im currently waiting on some parts to arrive
- lian li optical drive cover
- lian li black power & reset button
- 20mm & 80mm hole saw
- black perspex
- dust filters

once they arrive i should hopefully have the case sorted out ready for its new components
Got a few photos to share of the very nearly finished product, just got a few minor things to complete once all the components are purchased.





thanks its going to be interesting to see how it turns out onces everythings in but hopefully we'll find out after this weekend. ive finally hit the purchase button and all the components and last little bits shall be here by saturday.
i think its safe to say that i may have been bitten by the modding bug.

had a package waiting for me when i got home yesterday


now before i go putting all the new components into the case ive been toying with the idea of sectioning off the front part of the case as a way to hide all the cables and power supply. ive had a quick play in and come up with 3 options


install a vertical piece of perspex with holes cut in it for the various cables to go through
to section of the case



install a false bottom and have the cables hidden under it.



to do both option 1 and option 2



continue with previous plan to hide all cables behind the drive bay

sorry for the shocking attempt but you get the idea, just looking for peoples opinions on whether this is a good idea? will it have any negative effect on temperatures/airflow?
for such a small case you have made it look big :)

i love white case's and my next build will be white.

superb job dude.
thanks mate the white case does look good but you got to make sure you handle it with clean hands. ive forever been cleaning it during the build.
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