Project - Shinobi

30 Nov 2012
My trusty rig of four years (E7200, 4g ram, 88gts 512) finally decided to give up the ghost, it was an interesting sight to get home to, let me share the view with you.













This of course caused my new build to be dragged closer to the here and now, please excuse the dust, the bunny's have been on a field day...
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I had already fallen in love with the Bitfinex Shinobi a few months ago, so I had to just think of the actual insides to the case, this was easy enough as well, it -had- to be green. I adore green, to a slightly obsessed and deranged manner xD I was able to salvage the power supply from the old build (Corsair HX 520) until I upgrade it, I also want the build to be water cooled at a later stage, but for now I am ok with air.

When the ocuk christmas sale started, I managed to get not only my beautiful case of awesome win:



Yes. The box is also beautiful ;)



but also the ram and CD drive (you don't need a picture of the CD drive I am sure)


Look it is green! I have two lots of this so a total 16g, all brought during the epic sale of awesomeness. I wasn't lured in to the actual store by Mince Pies and haribo honest...


The seagate was from my old build as well, has all my art work etc on it, so that had to be dragged with the power supply to it's new home, and that cute little solid state SanDisk was won by V|per in ToxicTBag's Christmas Tree competition, it has a good home now and soon will be surrounded by green :D
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Aye Something Else, the feser decided it wished to be on the outside of the tubes, we "think" it was a rivet that popped as it was very close to one of the lower rivets of the gfx water block that started to leak.
@ Jacob1995knight - Aye, it was beautiful :( Build log for it is up here somewhere (I stole V|per's PC Mwhahahahah!) (Edit: Link for you

@ Something Else - Yeppers, I love that damn case! sorry I was still posting before I read your reply =/ Up there a little bit *gestures madly upwards* is a basic idea of the insides, other than the GFX card, Mobo, CPU and my awesome gift from V|per which had to be exchanged today.

Gimmie a few minutes and I shall load up the rest of these large images and make them a healthy size for you to see more ^^
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New arrivals came a short while ago:


With my crazed love of green I had to get the Gigabyte G1 Sniper M3 motherboard, I couldn't even get it out of the packaging fully before I had to take photos of the colour (reason for joy of the particular green will be explained):



GTX 660 ti, was also added to the hardware entering my beautiful case, the reason for this particular gfx card is because there is already one in the house, so when V|per upgrades again I can steal it :p and go SLI.



Then of course there is my CPU, i5-3570K


The reason for my early excitement at the motherboard not only being green but this particular green is this:


This beautiful braiding was done by the wonderful BuToNz who sold it to us for a brilliant price and I am so happy with it I can't even express the happiness of the colour almost matching! (the photo really doesn't do this braiding justice, it is stunning if you need braiding and BuToNz has the colour you need BUY IT FROM THEM!)

I shall be back with more photos and updates soon.
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@ James J - I fear that is a trick of the camera ;) it is big but not as big as it looks in some of these pics, and thanks, green is awesome I need more though XD

@ Something Else - Aye that is what I was thinking too.
My beautiful baby (aka case)


Having a black interior makes me love it even more, so next to add is the hardware.


Powersupply, mhm... where can I put those cables... ah ha!



Did... I mention I love this case? Also excuse the washing, I do house work, play games and build PC's xD
Thanks Harshuk, I personally didn't like the window that comes with the Shinobi Windowed Version as it isn't in what I believe is the "correct" place:


(image stolen from ocuk)

That is the windowed verison of my case and I just am not a fan of the triangle window, nor would it show any of the parts I would want as the focal point, so when it comes to making the case prettier still I shall probably make my own window, then I can customise it a bit more and with the right tools/skills I can make the window whatever shape I want and focus on the points I love most ^^

Not to mention the window that comes with has a hideous fan placement strapped to the side >.< (image stolen from ocuk)
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Motherboard with the beautiful braiding done by the epic BuToNz! Now you can see a bit clearer why I was so damn excited about the colour :D


Motherboard and gfx card in:


Added the fan contol and popped the front on.


Decided I really didn't like the CD drive on display so with a few tweaks I managed to push it back a little and then use one of the spare drive bay covers to stealth it, but their was a space between the drive bay cover and the front of the CD drive...

So the pva glue came out, after snapping off the clips and filing the edges down, I filled the little guy with glue:



Whilst this dries... time to test if my beauty works!
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Thanks *Rich* I am hoping that I do it right ;) but I think I'd be happy with someone just threw green paint at it (as long as said paint didn't kill everything inside... so magic paint xD)
To do list:

So this list might take a while to complete but I shall give you a list of things I want to do.


  • Second gfx card to be added (in use at the moment)
  • New psu, to support second gfx card (also in use at the moment)
  • New heat sink and fan
  • Go water cooled (this will be a while in the making as I am happy with air cooled atm, but I want it "prettier" eventually.)

  • Cable braiding and tidying
  • Custom window
  • Permanently mount SSD (which is hanging out at the moment xD)
  • Lighting
  • Black grill/strip thingie majigs (the ones down the front and on the top of the case), turned toxic, same green as mobo if I can find/make the colour.
  • Change Bitfenix symbol to the same colour as the grills.
Switched pc on, everything seems to work, although the fan that came with the case is running at 200rpm which is stupidly slow but it seems to be doing the job at the moment so I shall leave it in place for a wee while.




Then I started to move my data from my old hdd to my new one (2tb) after a while, the 2tb hdd started to make thudding noises, causing me to glower at it, then my pc froze and crashed.

After a mild panic, I started the pc up again, the new hdd couldn't be detected, so I restarted the pc again, this seemed to "fix" the issue, so I decided to test it and tried to copy another file to the hdd, it crashed my pc again after another series of thuds.

Did a HD Tune Error test:


Gave ocuk a call yesterday to see what could be done, the wonderful guy on their team asked if I lived locally, which I do, so he said I could bring it back in and get a straight swap for a new hdd, so later that day I popped in and got a new hdd pretty fast, so thank you unknown named guy of ocuk!

Got home, installed the new hdd and started again with the copying!

Then decided I could do a 3D mark test (everything is at stock currently)


Was kinda impressed, even if it isn't clocked yet, as my old pc was way lower than that xD but four years with no upgrades will do that to a pc.

Whilst I was running tests, I thought I'd run HD tune to see the difference between my ssd and hdd:


Was expecting it to be a bit more of a difference but I am happy, photoshop runs faster on the ssd and everything can be stored on my 2tb of win.

Also glue has dried on the drive bay cover:


But I overlooked the minor detail of glue shrinking when it dries *facepalm* so added some more pva:


I shall update, as and when things change, at current, I need more of that awesome braiding *pokes V|per to reply to BuToNz*
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@ *Rich* - I plan on using a plastic glue and attaching it to the tray/draw thingy of the CD drive, and having a nobbley bit just above the eject button attached to the stealth cover so that it can be fully functional, of course I will probably test this with velcro or something first.

@ Doomedspeed - Aye it is a little frustrating tbh, but as I am adding a second one, same model and re-braiding it, hopefully I can get it looking a bit better ^^ until then I have idea as to how to make it look a bit tidier.
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