Project - Skleros......Another Antec Skeleton

5 Apr 2008
Deepest, Darkest, Essex.
First attempt at a build log, so, here goes. :D

I've long fancied building a system in an Antec Skeleton, simply because it is different, and I've taken great interest in G-Dubs Skeleton builds, as well as the ones by B1ng and Reu_Voodoo. My build will not be in any way as ambitious as any of these, as it primarily entails repainting the Skeleton to fit with the colour scheme dictated by my existing components.

As I use my system on a pretty much daily basis I'll be stripping and painting the case first, before removing all the components from my X500 and transplanting them. I've never spraypainted anything before, and have read a few excellent articles posted in Case Central on what to do. This is slightly alleviated by the fact that the colour I want should have some natural variation in it, I hope. Still nervous though! :eek:

Anyhow, components:

Core i5 750
Asus "Republic of Gamers" Maximus III Rampage
G Skill Ripjaws F3-12800CL9D (4GB in my current rig, but might expand that to 8GB as OCUK have them in stock again)
PowerColor Radeon HD5850, and another one waiting in the wings for me to try Crossfire for the first time
Corsair HX620, but I have ordered a Corsair AX850, so that might go straight in depending on how much of the colour I can see

And finally, an Antec Skeleton, which wasn't quite as easy to find as I thought, being loath to spend £120 on a new one when I was going to strip it down and possibly bodge it up! I finally got one from the auction site for £70 delivered which was much more palatable. It wasn't boxed but was, at least, all there. I'll start off my pictures with that.



Then I stripped it down, which was really easy, as the whole plastic frame is held together by little screws!




Apologies for the dustiness. I promise I'll clean it before putting it back together! :D

Finally a picture of the plastic pieces I'm going to paint.


And that's it for now. Lots of rubbing down to ensure a smooth finish, and then out with the plastic undercoat.
Guessing there's going to be a red theme then? :D
What kind of cooling solution you gonna be using on the CPU?
Looks promising, G-Dubs skeleton really is inspiring.
Guessing there's going to be a red theme then? :D.

What makes you think that? :D

Yep, all the grey plastic will be a dark red/burgundy colour. I'm not yet sure how it's going to look, as the reds on the MB, RAM, and GPU are all slightly different, so it might look awful. But, hey ho, it can always be changed.

What kind of cooling solution you gonna be using on the CPU?

Cooling the CPU is something I haven't finalised as yet, because I'm currently using a True Black and it won't fit without cutting the cowling, which I don't really want to do. Chipps101 has kindly provided a Zalman CNPS8700LED and I'm going to try that first. As I can virtually guarantee, although I haven't looked, the Led's in the fan won't be red, so that will be another first for me as I attempt to change that! I'm hoping that the red led's will combine with the copper colour to give me a nice effect.

I'm also considering the GPU cooling, and wouldn't mind trying the Zalman VF3000-A.

Although if I go Crossfire, assuming I have the space, I'll need two of them at £35 each which is quite a bit considering I'd only want them for the aesthetics. There's also the aspect of airflow, and having the GPU fans blowing across the MB when the main airflow will be down on to the board. It might be better to stick to the standard reference cooler. For now, at least.

Looks promising, G-Dubs skeleton really is inspiring.

My favourite Skeleton build has been G Dubs "Cobra Shark's Mouth" build and not his more ambitious watercooled build (which is also awesome) and, indeed, most of the inspiration has come from his builds. He was also very helpful in the run up to this build and some of his posts have been invaluable. :cool:
What makes you think that? :D

Yep, all the grey plastic will be a dark red/burgundy colour. I'm not yet sure how it's going to look, as the reds on the MB, RAM, and GPU are all slightly different, so it might look awful. But, hey ho, it can always be changed.

Cooling the CPU is something I haven't finalised as yet, because I'm currently using a True Black and it won't fit without cutting the cowling, which I don't really want to do. Chipps101 has kindly provided a Zalman CNPS8700LED and I'm going to try that first. As I can virtually guarantee, although I haven't looked, the Led's in the fan won't be red, so that will be another first for me as I attempt to change that! I'm hoping that the red led's will combine with the copper colour to give me a nice effect.

Although if I go Crossfire, assuming I have the space, I'll need two of them at £35 each which is quite a bit considering I'd only want them for the aesthetics. There's also the aspect of airflow, and having the GPU fans blowing across the MB when the main airflow will be down on to the board. It might be better to stick to the standard reference cooler. For now, at least.

It's antec, the LED's won't be blue, sorry mate :D

I'd stick to the reference cooler for now, I'm not sure if that cooler would make that much of a difference in temps, plus it'd void the warranty, so might not be worth the effort/money.

Gonna keep an eye on this, seems like it's going to be real treat!
The reference coolers are red & black so, yes I think I'll stick with them as there's no real reason to change, although it might be worthwhile considering vinyl to add detail. Some of the work I'm seeing with the carbonfibre look has been awesome, and that would still fit with the red/black theme. I'm thinking of doing the PSU the same as w3bbo's in "Fallen Angel", as the transformation (from the white) was incredible.

Here's another couple of undercoated bits, and I must dig out that cooler to look at how to change the LED's! Gulp! :eek:


I really like seeing the boxes of components laid out, so I thought I'd do the same. :D

I know, I know....they are pretty much out of date now, as I never, ever, thought that S1156 would be so short lived! My i5 gives me all the performance I need for now though, and, as I can't afford to just go out and buy Sandybridge at the moment, it'll have to do.

Thanks KD. :cool:

Now that some more bits are painted I'm needing to consider pulling my PC to bits, but I'll get the Skeleton back together first.

Final painted pieces.



Thanks guys! :cool: I really like the way it's turned out. It's not completely uniform and has subtle shades, down to the fact I used very light coats and went over each piece several times.

It's a Halford's car touch up spray can, and the colour is Rover Nightfire Red.

I just went into Halfords, looked at what was available, and that was the one I liked. Whether or not the colour will work with my components remains to be seen. I also used the Halfords Plastic primer which is available in grey or white. I used the white, and I also bought the glasspaper and paint preparation wipes from them.
Looking great so far. I always wondered what the skeleton would look like in storm trooper white, thanks for the visuals. Thanks for the rep as well! Love that deep red color you got going, can't wait to see it finished!
Great to see another Skelly build

Love the colour and great paint work

In case you were wondering what a Skelly looks like in white


Seeing all these skelly mods makes me want to do another.
(Sharksmouth is going up for sale if anyones interrested, need to fund future projects)
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