Project - Skleros......Another Antec Skeleton

Thanks for the kind comments guys! :cool:

Really like that white one G Dubs, barring the red "start" button! I'd have left it white. Only problem I could foresee with white, was trying to match up components, although some RAM is black and some MB are primarily black. Combining that with some white LED's and carbonfibre vinyl might work very well indeed. :cool:
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As per Terminator's request here are the first pictures. :D



I admit to really liking the way it's turned out, although I am ever so slightly biased. :p

I'll take a few more pics of the case from different perspectives, and then I'll strip down my X500 and transplant, so that may take a few days considering my toddler wants his fingers in everything! :D

Let me know what you think.
Looks absolutely stunning! Definitely gives me confidence to do something like this in the future.

Did you change the LED in the main fan? apologies if already mentioned
Thanks Freelanc3r. :cool:

It's taken me a while to pluck up the courage to do it myself, and I'm really happy with it so far. I must confess that it was not hugely difficult, although if I wanted an absolutely perfect finish I would have had to have gone heavier with the paint, which brings added problems with paint runs. I happened to want the slight variation in the shades so this suited me, but, if you look at the depth and consistency of G Dubs "Sharksmouth" skeleton, it's light years ahead of mine.

I've now got the more fiddly bits to do, as I will need to change the fan LED in my Zalman cooler, having never done anything like that before, and I'm seriously considering covering the GPU's in carbonfibre vinyl, as per another thread on here. I'll see how the GPU's look first though, then decide. There's also the PSU to consider, as the AX850 has light brown accents and I'm not too sure yet if they will show. If they do I'm going to have to do something about that, because the AX850 has pre-braided cables for what I need, but my existing HX620 doesn't, although it is red and black. Having never braided cables before, I'm leaning towards the AX, but we'll see.

I haven't changed the LED's on the top fan as I believe red is one of the colours it lights up in, and that you can set it to stay red. I'm not yet sure whether this will be sufficiently bright though, so I might end up re-doing the LED's after all. I'm also considering some LED strips under the cowling to highlight the Antec logo, which might negate the need for fan LED's.
Never even seen one of these things before let alone stripped down, re-painted and re-built! Awesome build m8 really is will be following this pretty closely ;)

Thanks Stoner81. :cool:

It's an interesting case, and not without its drawbacks, but the first impression is usually WTF is that? For want of a better expression. :D

If you like it, have a gander at these threads. These are the threads that have inspired me to do my one, and the information in them has been invaluable. They are all more involved than my build and really show what can be done with different detailing and ideas. That's why mine will still be a "work in progress" for a while yet.
Love the paint job, and can't see any runs or imperfections so don't be hard on yourself.

Painting with rattle cans is hard work, it's oh so tempting to just give it that one more misting over and then..disaster it goes on just a smidge too thick in a small area and you get a run.

Little and ofter is the keys as you've probably worked out.

great work though, keep it up
yea, i have to agree, very nice paint job......cant see any faults on them pics......nice colour too......always wanted one of these as a project but wouldnt trust the missus with that on me desk.....
Love the paint job, and can't see any runs or imperfections so don't be hard on yourself.

Painting with rattle cans is hard work, it's oh so tempting to just give it that one more misting over and then..disaster it goes on just a smidge too thick in a small area and you get a run.

Thanks G Dubs. :cool:

There is a run on the back that I won't photograph! :D It came on the first coat, and although I rubbed it down, and went over it several times, you can still see it. Little and often, as you say.

The surprising thing has been the time taken in the preparation, and if I hadn't read through the comments in yours (and others) posts I might have been disheartened at this. Knowing what to expect was a big thing! All the advice necessary is available in these Forums, and all I would say to any others who are thinking about respraying, is to read through the advice first. :cool:
yea, i have to agree, very nice paint job......cant see any faults on them pics......nice colour too......always wanted one of these as a project but wouldnt trust the missus with that on me desk.....

Thanks Terminator. :cool: I'll be putting the mesh kit in, to keep my toddler's fingers out! Won't help with spills though! :eek:
Thanks Ch3333z. :cool:

It was inspired by my components mainly, but I really like the red Lian Li's too.
Narked Deluxe!! :(:(:(

Zalman make their fans a little too well, and I can't change the LED's. Grumpy now!

Will post some pics tomorrow to show what I mean, but I would have to break the fan to change the LED's which is kinda pointless. I have two alternatives in mind, being the Zalman CNPS8000A and the Silverstone NT06E, so will now try and hunt one down.
can you get a red felt pen onto the led's ? if you colour them in they might look red :)

I could have got to a large portion of them Dave, but I just put the fan back together and moved on. I thought I might have found a black fan with no LED's but all the CNPS8700's seem to have the blue LED now. Even the NT version!

I've just managed to get an NT06E from the MM so that will go in for now. At least I can team that up with a red LED fan if need be, although I'm going to try it without a fan first off.
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Just realised I got a mention in here! :D Looking very nice in red pal, can't wait to see it all back together.
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