Looks awesome, I certainly cldnt make it xD Hope it all goes to plan.
Cheers Evoss, wow feels like a long time since I made an update & this 1 is a tiny one lol but still, things should start moving forward again real soon & it is close to the end of this project
Hey all
I've not been slacking just stepped out of mod world for a mo to do a lot of contemplating & research as I come into a little money & intend to use it well
plus I'm down on a couple of tools, sure I could do it the hard way & have a crazy hefty filing session & be flat out knackered for a few days but that doesn't help me go to the garage with a smile so can't be arsed to be honest lol, scroll saw made me a little bit lazy
Sorry for the shouting caps
Been a little bit pickled the past week doing loads of research on what to spend some money on which is why I've not been posting & done very little modding.
Nearly a week ago I got news I was getting given a little money & it threw me right off course with this project as I totally wasn't expecting anything & I've been drooling over some things for a long time that were just out of reach cost wise until now & started window net shopping like crazy & looking into forums & just about everywhere to get clued up on things, it's £1000 & I usually have to save up for quite a while to raise that amount but all the same I don't want to blow it on meaningless crap.
Invest in some nice new tools which will get used each year or maybe twice a year or more if I do any bits for other people for pc cases or other, got my eye on a premium scroll saw that has a massive 762mm throat with easy change blades & no vibration (this scroll saw is an epic tool for cutting & would be capable of doing some amazingly detailed large work which could have handled doing the side panels & back panel of Stealthlow nicely with wickedly detailed patterns if I wanted
) a better full height drill press & a router & other bits & bobs & maybe more materials to make another case, sure seems the most fun & longer life span
Or a DSLR camera & save the rest, I checked out heaps of reviews to see how good I could get with the money & came to the conclusion that a canon eos 550d with normal lens & possibly a cheaper macro lens & ok tripod would be a pretty good choice but this would swallow up the money leaving me with a great camera set but same old budget tools some being nice & reliable & some very much not, I'd say my main reliable tools is my hand power drill, jigsaw, disc sander, bench grinder & files could possibly get the good camera & the premium scroll saw but would be flat broke on the little but nice windfall.
I think this bit falls into the meaningless crap section lol, sure it's awesome tech gear right now but it will be very out dated pretty fast.
The upcoming Samsung 27" 1080p 120hz monitor with built in 3d vision even though I only want this monitor for it's size & refresh rate & picture colour quality, the 120gb corsair ssd I've been drooling over since I found out about it lol & could buy a couple of ok tools with the rest but no premium scroll saw but this would be a bit like burning money really spending it all on tech that would soon outdate lol where with a excellent scroll saw I'll still be making things with it in 10 years if I'm still healthy, think it's a life time tool if looked after.
Holiday but I see that just as much a waste of dough as going on a bender lol
even though I'm about 17 years overdue a break from Manchester so it would probably do me a lot of good but can definitely think of better uses for the money than that, in my minds eye that flipping awesome scroll saw is floating at the top of the list very clearly.
I think the tools option is the wisest & most productive although I'll not be able to capture my mods in super nice quality pictures, so instead just as good as they currently are which actually mustn't be as bad as I thought since the shots I took were accepted for publication on Air Cube in Custom PC so that was a really nice vote of confidence from all the awesome people at bit-tech & Custom PC
, I look at some others with really nice photography either pro or near pro standard & it would be nice to match that so yeah I'm a bit frustrated on what to go for lol, I also know dslr cameras can get to really ridiculas prices but I guess those types of cameras are serious pro cameras or simply people with too much money
in fact some prices look very very scary to me in DSLR land lol.
Computer tech moves on fast so isn't such a priority with me not being able to afford a yearly full upgrade & a high quality scroll saw to me would be better than a laser cutter but without the engraving perk, I doubt I could get both the scroll saw & camera with a G but wow I can already vision some of the stuff I could make with a scroll saw like that & it's superior to Stealthlow, I've had a little taste of what a low end scroll saw can do & I'm definitely hooked on how much better it is for cutting than any other tool I've used
I've found how bad they are at the low end & was busy looking for anything bad being said about the particular scroll saw & couldn't find anything negative about it only nothing but how seriously good it is & read heaps from all over the internet for a couple of days, same with the camera.
Milling aluminium with a router which all points in the direction of DO NOT TRY TO ROUTE ALUMINIUM but seen others do it here so I'm a bit puzzled on that one, apparently it's extremely dangerous & can see why after seeing how fast those things spin, I came across some that said they use a speed tweaker type gadget to slow it down more than the lowest speed by default or there are palm routers that seem good but quite fiddly in setting up, think I prefer the less hassle plunge routers or could be wrong on this & the palm type would be the way to go for me on this.
--- & ultimately I think my mind is already made up about getting the scroll saw :hehe:.
Oh & update time but it's a really tiny one & I did this a good few days ago, been highly distracted since & still need a new hack saw to make the fan holders lol so I've hit a slow patch again because of potential new options available.
Had to do this 20mm strip of copper with the jigsaw so had to clamp it up as good as possible with a 10mm gap in the work bench, cutting thin sheet metal is a reminder why I used to not like using a jigsaw as it mangles the metal up very easily, so having tried a scroll saw even though it was for a short time I can easily say that's the way to go for thin sheet metal, & that cheap scroll saw I bought had the shortest life span of any tool I ever used, my own fault though really, should have looked up some tensioning videos lol but nonetheless it was a bad scroll saw as I couldn't properly use pin less blades on it.
It was a bit of a struggle cutting a 20mm strip of 1mm copper with an overpowering jigsaw so I'm dreading doing a 10mm strip of 1mm alu with the jigsaw lol pretty sure it would mangle it up bad, this is another piece the super duper scroll saw could manage no sweat, not even sure why I'm holding out on ordering it but I seem to be but only because it's rather expensive, since my 2nd case I've enjoyed putting detailed fret work into panels but only during the past couple of months realised how awesome scroll saws actually are.
Very insignificant update since I've not been posting the past week but oh well thats 2 less strips to cut lol