Project Stealthlow

Was just about to run the benches I did on my last rig & went to reboot & while windows was loading up it froze so decided to go for the overclock so the voltages are set correct :hehe: glad I did :D.

Used the bit-tech oc guide for a quick result for the 4.5ghz, I don't think there will be a need for more than this but going off the temps I have under the megahalems I'm very sure I could go much higher if needed :rock::thumb:.

Here are the benches I run.

q9650 @ 3.8ghz --- 8gb ddr2 @ 900mhz 5,5,5,18 --- GTX 580
CPC bench suite 2007

Everest bench results


3d mark 11


Didn't get the pause in the heaven bench.

2500k @ 4.5ghz --- 4gb ddr3 @ 1600mhz 7,8,7,24 --- GTX 580
CPC bench suite 2007

Aida64 previously known as Everest bench results


3d mark 11


Got the pause in the heaven bench.

Funny how on the heaven bench I got pretty much the same score as the 775 & 3dmark11 is very similar so it looks like the gtx 580 wasn't bottle necked at all :duh: but nonetheless overall the system is improved :thumb:.
Your talent is disgusting!! I mean that in a good way of course. :D To be able to do what you are doing (and have done) is no mean feat. :cool:

Look up heli-coils for the thread issues. You tap a slightly larger thread in the alloy and then insert the Heli-coil spring, which now provides the substance of the thread. You'll find them much tougher than the alloy, which should do away with the problems created by the softer aluminium.

Thought I'd revisit this as it left a permanent thought bubble in my head :D.

I looked into helicoils & soon after ordered a kit & removal tool just in case I might need it & ordered 100 m3 bits the bits are fine for 3mm material so these will really improve any of the bits that need a nice reliable thread, thanks for pointing these out Gepetto, still waiting on a couple more supplies before I can go full force back into this but should be soon, did order a pile of bolts mid december & they never arrived I was being overly patient about it so ordered with someone else & put a claim in for a refund :).
Wow! What a build log! I really like the plans and the details of all your setbacks and triumphs. I am sure it's going to look great when it is finished.

There are also some great tips in here for getting items such as dremel cutting disks etc. and I am certainly subscribed to this thread (actually I have been for a while, but I thought it was time that I made a comment).

Makes my project look thoroughly pathetic in comparison! Where do you get all the time to spend on it?
Me wanna see more pictures :D:D:D
:D Me too but delays been holding this down :(.

Wow! What a build log! I really like the plans and the details of all your setbacks and triumphs. I am sure it's going to look great when it is finished.

There are also some great tips in here for getting items such as dremel cutting disks etc. and I am certainly subscribed to this thread (actually I have been for a while, but I thought it was time that I made a comment).

Makes my project look thoroughly pathetic in comparison! Where do you get all the time to spend on it?
Thanks John :)
Your project looks fine mate the wire work is a bit messy but the idea & execution looks good & solid, radiators take up a lot of space so it's good sense to attach it to a desk imo, maybe have quick disconnects so it's mobile & it would be awesome ;).
Reason I have so much time is I've been ill for ages so I'm unemployed, to be honest I believe I got classed with something I don't have & doctors were just lazy at diagnosing me, I would say I have an extreme form of shyness because that is precisely what I would diagnose myself with, but maybe just maybe all this modding & amateur engineering I've been getting into as a hobby could lead me into something similar job wise or further education but I won't get my hopes up lol.

Had man flu (might have even been the genuine swine flu had all the symptoms) bacon buttys fixed that lmao :D, system upgrade hiccups & waiting for deliverys which has held this project up.
Yeah been waiting on bolts since just past mid December, they never came & I was being way overly patient with letting the ebayer sort this out & put in the complaint with paypal yesterday & straight after ordered with someone else for the bolts, was also waiting for some acyrlic bars 20mmx20mmx500mm for making some structure connectors & also ordered a helicoil kit & a pile of helicoils that will be good for 3mm material so I'll be able to place reliable threads in the aluminium so I'm just waiting for the bolts now & with a bit of luck I'll have the bolts soon & I'll be able to carry on ;).
Coming along really nicely. :) How are you planning to bend the acrylic for the curve?

Thanks MP :) the plan for that is to remake the bending jig, I'll try & re-use the one I made by flipping it upside down but need to get the curved bars attached to the base & back panel so I can get the precise curve line to mark up the jig as it needs to be exactly the same curve else it won't be flush to the bars, I think this part could be the most challenging part of the build, the rest should just be a lot of effort & precise measuring :D.
Cant wait to see how this turns out, loving the fans by the way look good.

Cheers mate :).

Got the needed bits to carry on so can start back up whenever which will probably be tomorrow :).
Helicoil kit, helicoil removal tool, 100 m3 helicoils for 3mm material, hex driver since it's the 2mm size I always use, aluminium case feet which I'll heavily mod, m8 countersunk, m3 countersunk bolts & m3 button head bolts, all the bolts are high tensile bolts :cool:.
Project is alive again

Project is alive again :cool:.

Here's the helicoil set minus the 3.2mm drill bit, very glad I tried them out, all you do with these is drill the hole, tap it, use the question mark shape tool to put the helicoil on (it has a slit & the helicoil has a stick out bit) & you place it in the hole & turn until it sits in the thread by 0.5mm or 1mm, then you pull it out & then push in the hole with the blunt tool & shake out the bit from the helicoil & woo hoo you have a very good reliable thread :).

I put helicoils in all the corner bars, top & bottom so they are solid now.

Back panel fixed onto the base.


This is how I did it instead of messing with the drill press I used the cordless drill, clamped it in place measured & marked, did a spot drill, then a 2mm drill, then the 3.2mm drill for the helicoils so it was perfectly placed ;).


The front optical/fan plate clicks in place (nice fit) & holds without bolts but it will be bolted up.


Didn't take pictures of my attempts but started off wasting a couple of hours trying to use the disc sander, getting toasty throw it in cold water at least a hundred times D'oh, then switched to the air finger belt sander, was taking too long, then went on to vice & files & if I'd have started off with vice & files I'd have probably got them both made lol, but spent too much time on them for today so I'll do them tomorrow, anyway nice progress making up for down time I think :).


Ah & the wood piece is to keep the back panel straight, some how it is slightly curved but will be fine once the motherboard tray is made & installed ;).
Awesome :) nice to see some shape appearing from the scraps!!

But fair play, that's ***** huge!! lol
Thanks EniGmA Kinda felt like the project died with all the waiting for bits & yeah it is huge lol :D, but still feel it will look right once complete, shame I'm not into water cooling really but maybe the day will come when I get interested in it ;).

This is coming along fantasticly, some very nice craftmanship going on here :)
Thanks Andrew appreciated :).
Yeah, get yourself into water cooling then you can build a whole new case with a 3x4ft radiator for a side panel!! fitted with a few hundred vipers and you should be on a winner for a 7ghz overclock!!! LOL
cant wait to see the finished build!!
Yeah with me having the new system parts already up & running I really want to see it all in the new case :cool:, hopefully no more big hold ups ;).

Yeah, get yourself into water cooling then you can build a whole new case with a 3x4ft radiator for a side panel!! fitted with a few hundred vipers and you should be on a winner for a 7ghz overclock!!! LOL
LOL :D, I just hope I can pick it up ok, it's going to weigh a fair bit once all the hardware is installed, weighs quite a bit already :eek::D, might even stretch a bit further & make a base with casters on so it's more mobile so we'll see :).
OK set out to at least make the curve bar connectors & get the curve bars fixed to the rear panel today & done it :).

It was hell to make the connectors from the 19mm square bar & didn't truly fancy using the acrylic bar so luckily I had some 6mm by 25mm flat bar that I bought when making the stack unit that never got used & turned out to be perfect for making the connectors with so with them only being 6mm thick they wasn't to thick or to thin for putting helicoils in, thought I'd need to put 2 bolts on each curve bar but 1 on each was good enough, if I'd have known that I'd have put the bolt in the middle, oh well.












So with this done now I'll be able use the fixed curve for making the templates for the side panels, motherboard tray & bending jig for the acrylic :).
Sounds like those Helicoils have really helped your cause mate. Looking great thus far. I would add the extra 2 screws up top anyway, if nothing else just to improve the looks.
This is looking great. Keep up the good work can not wait to see this completed
Thanks gary I'll do my best to keep the updates coming speedily :).

Sounds like those Helicoils have really helped your cause mate. Looking great thus far. I would add the extra 2 screws up top anyway, if nothing else just to improve the looks.
Great little bits I'll use them in all my future mods too, might add the extra bolts but if it gets anodised black it will be barely noticable so undecided if I'll add the extra bolts.
Really looking forward to getting the motherboard tray made then it will be a solid form without flex :cool:, but the bit I'm most anxious about now if I'll be able to do it is curving the acyrlic piece to match the bars but if I make the jig spot on it should work, I would go & do a complex curve for my first time bending acrylic lol :D.
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