Project: Temjin-S

Blue and green should not be seen. Is what I was told lol.

Get some pics up of braid, in different colour combos.

I lied about pie.

Excited about this build :D
Blue and green should not be seen. Is what I was told lol.

Get some pics up of braid, in different colour combos.

I lied about pie.

Excited about this build :D

My art teacher used to say that. He also gave me an A* for a stick figure. :D

I'll get the pics done some point next week.


So am I :D
no, well yes. They were already killed - I swear! :p

I seem to have bad luck with short circuits, first the fan controller, then the LED strips!

Sorry for the lack of updates, i've been waiting for this RMA to be sorted fro the LED's.

crappy retailer said:
Dear Cleeecooo,

The status of your return RMA3** has been updated to the following: -

Credited - Your return has been credited back to your account..


I'll be ordering a 2.4m long LED strip, getting all the pics sorted out with sleeving ad getting all my cables sleeved.

My birthday is coming up very soon, so, money permitting, i'll be turning this project into a flight sim...

more details to come :D
Planning on getting the EVGA Z68 F-T-W mobo when it comes out. I think it might clash slightly with my colour scheme - opinions please?
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