Project TriMonStand

25 Oct 2014
East of the Middle
I am by no means a professional and do not expect to get professional quality results in this project. I have few tools and tried to plan as much of this project in my head. Hope you enjoy it!


Ok so...Hi :)

I have a set up at home which means I use 3 monitors. Overkill?


But either way, I have them and can't be bothered with the waste of space and general untidiness (lol, its always messy anyway!) that stands give you.


After looking for triple monitor stands for ages last year I couldn't find a cheap one (<£50) so last year I decided to make my own.
It even had a cut out for my Elite 130.

Which was too small, so it didn't fit...:rolleyes:

Anyway, here it is in all its ghastliness:

Ok so it didn't look too bad once all the monitors were on...

But the poor workmanship and shoddy angles were doing my head in so today I decided to change it all!
Now I wanted something that would appear minimalistic (barely any visible bits) and allow me to store stuff under the middle monitor.

Initially I used that amazing planning tool MS Paint to mock up what it was going to look like.
That went well...

I then researched and found a company called Unistrut who make awesome fixings and stuff. Mind went into overdrive just thinking of the possibilities...

This took me to Google SketchUp which allowed me to make a plan that basically involved this.

1 x 60cm arm for the middle
2 x 50cm arms for outer monitors
2 x 60cm arms for the supports which will be fixed to the table
Many fixtures and fittings and nuts and bolts



So after getting bored of SketchUp (which is insanely hard to use!) I toddled off to a company called Orbital Fasteners in Watford which is a really good DIY shop for all these sorts of things.

When there I explained to the nice guy behind the counter what I wanted to build. He looked at my SketchUp (easy tiger) and immediately improved it by using something called a cantilever (wtf?!) to use as the vertical supports.

After many minutes spent discussing the plans and how it should all go together. I spent the princely sum of £25.65 on this lot:

2m unistrut channel
2 x 45 degree angle
2 x cantilevers
Various nuts and bolts and washers and plates


Anyways, I measured out my 60cm and 2 x 50cm and got those cut with my jigsaw...(40cm piece left over)

And then got about fixing the arms together!
This stuff is so easy to do, all you need is a drill (probably not even that) and your away!
(This is also when I scheduled my tea break :D)

Once that was done, I moved onto sorting the monitor mounts.

Now just to explain monitors are the Dell P2414h.
Through work, I managed to secure spare stands which allowed me to construct the previous work of art TriMonStand.

As I did not need the stands, I had to extract the mounts, which wasn't too bad.
Now the fixings here were almost perfect but needed to be bored out by a few mm to allow the bolt to go through.

Once bored out, the fitting was perfect!! (Just imagine there is a vesa plate on it!)

I already had two of the mounts off with the stands but the old TriMonStand used a different mount in the middle which meant I had to butcher another stand just to get the mount off!
Now the previous 2 I had taken utmost care removing all 4 million screws from but I really could not be bothered with this one.
So I took a drill to it.
And tried to drill my way through.

Then my drill ran out of juice and the spare was also dead :(
I had to call it a day there.


Plans for Day 2.
  1. Destroy stand and release mount
  2. Fix all three monitor mounts and plates along with monitors in place and test fit
  3. Once happy with fitment of monitors, remove monitors
  4. Sort out the height of the arm on the cantilevers
  5. Make sure its all level
  6. Fix everything in place
  7. Rub down, Prime and Paint black :)

That should be it!
Stay tuned :)
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Day 2 is here and it started well!
The annoying mount from the previous day didn't last long and with the stand well and truly destroyed, it popped out!
Here it is below on the right

With all the mounts out it was time to sort out the fittings.
Middle monitor looked good

Had a go with the other 2 and it looked to be ok.

I dissasembled everything to tighten the bolts and make sure that it was all level

Painted the cantilevers (had them hung up for the second coat!)


With monitors attached
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Well here is the final pic all bolted down and attached to the table.
There is a little flex but you have to push it in order for it to be obvious.


It looks nothing like that now and is full of mess already!! :(

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Cheers
Yeah exactly the reason why I built this.

Having sat down and actually used it for a bit I am not happy with the angles of the monitors. A bit too droopy and those Dell mounts don't offer any lateral movement.


But gutted as I thought I was done!

Anyways, I have just bought some vesa mounts off the rainforest (got the free £10 to put towards it!!) and all in thats costing me £14 so still within the £50 budget I set myself!

If these get delivered tomorrow, I will attach and update

Just realised that the pics are horrific!

Apologies, I really need an SLR!

I will try and take some better ones later :D
Lol I know the outside of our house is an absolute tip! Fear not though, we have a skip coming at the end of the week and all the rubbish will dissappear!! Might do another project log! Lol
Quick update after installing windows 10 today!

The mounts from rainforest worked a lot better in lining it all up. (still not perfect but acceptable for my OCD) I also dropped it about 50mm as it was waaay too high before. Means that my rig is still in there but now needs the middle monitor taking out if I want to mess around with it.

Told you it was going to get messy quickly! Click for full size. Cheers

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£70?! :eek:
Where have you seen one for that price? The cheapest I could get these monitors on mounts would have been a dual and a single which would have come in at ~£60 + postage. Tri monitor stands are horrifically expensive. I can kind of see why now after trying to get mine level for the past few days!

Although this did cost me less than £40 :D
It's really not that hard to bolt it together. The hard part is getting it all level and working at a height that suits you!
I'm not great at DIY either, (you saw the first stand I made right?!) I suppose I just have a brain that always needs a mini project. If you can think it, build it!
It's really not that hard to bolt it together. The hard part is getting it all level and working at a height that suits you!
I'm not great at DIY either, (you saw the first stand I made right?!) I suppose I just have a brain that always needs a mini project. If you can think it, build it!

I've got a phanteks ethoo pro, I just need to research tips/advice on moding/planning..I have some ideas..but idk :D never done anything about it

Also the case is so unbelievebly big..I dont know what to do xD, IM thinking of getting a fractal R5, its nice compact fit and silenced
Great job! You need to delete guides in SketchUp though! :D
I would love to know how to do that! First time I used it so still experimenting.
I've got a phanteks ethoo pro, I just need to research tips/advice on moding/planning..I have some ideas..but idk :D never done anything about it
Just do it, sketch it out and get your idea down on paper, that's how mine started. If you need any help let me know :D
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