Project Ultimate(ish) Retro 1997 Rig

A few minor updates...

Out with the nasty 5400rpm 10GB drive

And in with the Quantum Fireball 20GB 7200rpm drive :)

Also found a nice Yamaha sound card which amazingly has drivers for Windows 95 all the way to Windows 7 !

I did a little bit of overclocking (this is actually a bit of a longer story...)

To see how 'fast' it is I did some benchmarks with Sisoft Sandra with the Dual Ppros VS an old motherboard I have which I put in a Pentium 166mhz and a Pentium MMX 166mhz





I can now see why they cost so much at the time!!
Great stuff!
I can't believe how old I am...
I used to use for quite a while a 486 DX2- 66mhz which I OC'ed as well

Some time spent on MMX and then long time on a pentium pro
then the slot CPU's. anyone remember those pentium pro II's and III's? worst decision from intel in a while ... for the home PC, so many hanging systems because even the smallest kick in the case had an impact on it and it moved.

the rest after that is history
i remember the benchmarks as well vs K6 from AMD, oh the heated discussions of AMD vs Intel fans back then (usually during Heroes turns on hot seat)

woflenstein 3d and then doom and quake...
dune and C&C and warcraft 1 ...then wc2 changed everything
so did quake and many others :D
but then on those PC's I learned programming as well ...pascal and C
omg, i'm old!!
First time I have seen a pair of the 1MB versions, forgot they even existed tbh.

Have you thought about Pentium II Overdrive chips - that surely will be the ultimate for this board?

Also Quantum hard drives - that brings back memories, I'm sure I still have a 5.25" Quantum Bigfoot kicking around somewhere.

What about a SCSI hard drive - that would be the pinnacle of performance for such a retro machine :)
I do have a scsi drive and controller. It probably would be a very good upgrade yes. I might have to add it. :)

The other (and less interesting) machine I have with dual pentium 200mmx has onboard scsi to which I added a 9GB 7200rpm disk and you can tell the disk is very fast.

The 7200rpm Quantum is reasonably good but nowhere near the speed of the scsi disk. The only bad thing about scsi disks of this age is they are loud, really really really loud. When the disk seeks it sounds like someone is tap dancing.

I would like the Pentium II overdrive chips but they price they go for is insane, at least £75 each from what I've seen!!
Oh nice a retro build :D This is going to be very cool indeed.

I didn't get into computers until around 2001 so this will be a learning experience for me if nothing else :D
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