Great stuff!
I can't believe how old I am...
I used to use for quite a while a 486 DX2- 66mhz which I OC'ed as well
Some time spent on MMX and then long time on a pentium pro
then the slot CPU's. anyone remember those pentium pro II's and III's? worst decision from intel in a while ... for the home PC, so many hanging systems because even the smallest kick in the case had an impact on it and it moved.
the rest after that is history
i remember the benchmarks as well vs K6 from AMD, oh the heated discussions of AMD vs Intel fans back then (usually during Heroes turns on hot seat)
woflenstein 3d and then doom and quake...
dune and C&C and warcraft 1 ...then wc2 changed everything
so did quake and many others

but then on those PC's I learned programming as well ...pascal and C
omg, i'm old!!