Project: Uprising

16 Jan 2013
Project Uprising - Haf 932 Mod

Hi guys its my 18th birthday today so thought i would start a project log.

Basically i got the basic parts for the mod in 2011 but didnt have the money or time to start the mod as was at College full time.

But now ive Finished College and have the fund's lets get this mod started

sneak peek of my 3D Model's atm but more to come.




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I was wondering about spraying mine, so wanted to understand if you were:

1. Going to break it down into actual sheets of steel
2. Going to sand it.

I presume therefore that you will be spraying it still assembled, judging by the masking tape, I'd say you were doing it assembled...
what is a good type of paint/spray to do the insides which wont age/crack/or fade, since I am not liking the grey look, wish it came as standard black as the outside.... also would it be safe and even to paint or spray assembled or unassembled,
what is a good type of paint/spray to do the insides which wont age/crack/or fade, since I am not liking the grey look, wish it came as standard black as the outside.... also would it be safe and even to paint or spray assembled or unassembled,

From my understanding you should paint it de-assembled, it isn't that hard to take out the rivets just need a drill and a drill bit, oh and of course a rivet gun that you can pick up for about a tenner.

Powder Coating is nice but quite expensive, depends on your budget of what kind of paint you can use on the inside, if you look around in the project logs forum there is quite a few to get some info from.

O/T: This looks great, my favourite two colours. Subbed :)
Nice work, we have the same case... But I am planning to paint mine all matt black, I've started to disassemble it, a friend is shot blasting and powedercoating the panels for me :)
Thts cool i have half of my case painted pic's up soon.
Just ordered the side panel and going to be braiding all cable's with red MDPC-X braid :)

Have the front 120mm led fan in mount

Case Primmed and ready for Spraying



Main Case Sprayed



I wonder what this could be possibly a Package from Coolermaster haha:)

It my New Side Panel Window and top I/O Panel


More to come next week :D
That looks very nice :D, cant wait to see the final thing :D

Its better than my attempted to do a blue and white case, im not sure what else i can paint Blue so that it looks more blue and white rather than mainly White.
Although im looking to make the HAF logo on the side panel Blue, that should look awsome too :D, you can makes urs red, should look goood :D
Yea going to be beast when Finished. Going to replace my side HAF Logo with either a GOW or ROG Logo :) as seen it painted before and want something different.
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The amount of cable braid ect im ordering :-) kinda crazy

Sleeve SMALL - RED
9,52 Euro

19,04 Euro
Sleeve SATA - RED

6,45 Euro

12,90 Euro
Heatshrink SMALL - BLACK

3,44 Euro

6,88 Euro
Heatshrink SATA - BLACK

3,19 Euro

6,38 Euro
Cable-Management-Clip SMALL - BLACK

2,99 Euro

5,98 Euro

Cable-Management-Clip MEDIUM - BLACK


3,19 Euro

3,19 Euro
Cable-Management-Clip BIG - BLACK


3,57 Euro

3,57 Euro

M3 x 6 mm Screws Black-Oxide Button-Head


7,14 Euro

7,14 Euro


65,08 Euro

(EU only) 19% VAT included:

10,39 Euro
Wow pretty big order of cable braiding you have there! I'm surprised if they chuck in more for less.
Hi all dont worry be putting up a small update tomoz haha. Right so ive Found a Asus HD 6950 Direct CUII thts been unlocked to a 6970 for around the 150 pounds mark and i would love a HD7950 but cant afford it so wt u guys think i should do buy the 6950 for my build after this mod :) or spend money on cable braid and fans for the case mod :). You decide. Please HELP!!!
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