Project: Virtual HiVE!

16 Sep 2010
It's been a long time since I built my own system but its time for me to build one for VR Gaming.

My current shopping list (which isn't complete)

Revised build CODENAMED: "Virtual HiVE!"

Trying to decide on case, looking for suggestions. Want to have RGB programmable lighting, maybe a little splash of yellow in a mainly black case.

Also not sure if I want to go with the 3 or 2 fanned CorsAir RGB Cooler.

Also any issues with this build? just want it fast for VR and gaming. Not really looking to OC anything.

Cheers ö7
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,501.38 (includes shipping: £0.00)​
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Don't see any reason for you to get the Asus 1080ti if you don't plan to water cool its a waste, and with a hefty Asus tax thrown in for good measure.
Lol That's actually funny that you can get a Titan Xp for only £10 extra.

yeh, there is no point in the Poseidon.

Three of my friends have bought Titan Star Wars now. Even that nasty white Gigabyte with triple fans (1080Ti) is £900.
Other than the watercooling block you won't use? There's not much difference between any of the 1080Ti models to be honest. Factory overclocks, power phases perhaps, but that's about it.
Ok cool, seem to be abit of a hot topic with the gfx cards and "bit mining" thing. just read up on it and why the prices have shot up
Finally pulled the trigger and got the Case and PSU. The reason I just got just the case and PSU now is that I like to have a good look at it and see what I'm dealing with to see if there is any modding i can do before i get the rest of the components. If i had everything ready to go i wouldn't make changes before building the whole thing. I couldnt resist it.

I got an idea to put a splash of color, (yellow) in the case

Got an idea from @davido_labido 's Project: Unikaorn Farts especially the painted mess. Will be going out tomorrow to get some paint, can you guess what colour yet? :P
Finally pulled the trigger and got the Case and PSU. The reason I just got just the case and PSU now is that I like to have a good look at it and see what I'm dealing with to see if there is any modding i can do before i get the rest of the components. If i had everything ready to go i wouldn't make changes before building the whole thing. I couldnt resist it.

I got an idea to put a splash of color, (yellow) in the case

Only 10 months later, you sure do move fast :D

It’s good you’ve waited as a 1080ti can be had for a very sensible price second hand. I picked up a 1080 and waterblock for mine, as I’ll upgrade when 7nm lands at a sensible price.

Glad you’re putting some colour into this, but what case are you using?

Look forward to the completed build in 2020 ;)
Only 10 months later, you sure do move fast :D

It’s good you’ve waited as a 1080ti can be had for a very sensible price second hand. I picked up a 1080 and waterblock for mine, as I’ll upgrade when 7nm lands at a sensible price.

Glad you’re putting some colour into this, but what case are you using?

Look forward to the completed build in 2020 ;)

Well i was mainly waiting for the new RTX and chipsets to drop. One thing I would hate is that I build a rig only to find out there been a huge update and could have got it.

Just purchased the case and PSU and planning what mod I'm doing to do to the case, wont be much as I like it as is but needs a touch of colour.

Just heard of the new CPU cooler the Hydro Series™ H115i RGB PLATINUM 280mm Liquid CPU Cooler which looks nice, will probably want to make a small adjustment on the cooler itself to get the cooler looking black and get rid of that silver. Waiting to see where I can get that too. Still will be waiting on the RTX 2080 Ti to come down in price a little but have a GTX 970 Strix I can use in the mean time.

Question: is the memory for this mobo good and fast enough, i wont be doing overclocking but I want to make sure there is no slow down where possible.

Latest Spec:
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,900.24 (includes shipping: £15.30)

Here opens the big 'ol can-o-worms...are you buying this kit specifically because you want it or because you need it? Because you're massively overspending for no gains.

If you're waiting for the 2080 Ti to drop in price, then wait for the 9900K to drop in price too because the price gouging on these is disgusting.
if you're not overclocking then why pay the premium for a K series CPU
If you're gaming then why pay the premium for Hyperthreading; the 9700K is almost £200 cheaper.
You don't need 32GB RAM for gaming.

And, of course, the big one: why Intel? You're looking to get a 2080 Ti so you're clearly not a 1080p gamer. Outside of benchmarks you will not see a difference in running a Ryzen 2 system, and for the cost of that 9900K alone you can get a 2700X AND top-end X470 board. AND you get an upgrade path too; Ryzen 3000 series will just drop straight into your existing board (and it's looking like it'll be an absolute killer CPU).

Oh, and if your sig is your proposed final spec, there are better 2080 Tis out there than the ROG Strix; the cards themselves are more or less the same, but there are better coolers for less money.

Ultimately, it's your system and your money, but from your original post you say you're not interested in overclocking and come across as being out of the loop as to where we are with hardware and performance, and it'll cost you a truck load of money for no reason.
Ram speed of 3200Mhz is pretty much the speed/price sweetspot, but I would agree that Dom plats are overpriced. It used to be they were some of the best looking ram out there, but it’s just not the case anymore imo.

I honestly don’t see the 2080ti dropping in price any time soon either I’m afraid, for me the 1080ti is decent value second hand, even though still pricey.

@LePhuronn is right about price gouging, no question. It’s an expensive time to buy a top of the line system, and I too would be going AMD if I were buying new for a high resolution gaming system.

I can’t xommenton the H115i, though I’ve used the h100i v2 and found it to be very good, if a touch noisey. I’m sure it’ll be fine if CLC is the way you want to go, and that’s theaesthrtic you want. What I will say is that if you want cooling performance a 360 is almost always going to be better than 280. Have you thought about a custom loop?

What case did you get?

This is a very nice build. This is pretty much exactly what i would get if I were buying new. Though the case wouldn’t be for me; I particularly like the Evolv X, it’s all personal taste though.
Funnily enough, it's not the build I would do if I was buying from new, but I was trying to match top-end CPU and motherboard for comparative purposes. I kept his case selection ;) it's not for me either.

You could save a few more quid by changing the case.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £330.24 (includes shipping: £15.30)

Still have the aluminium and glass aesthetic, that Enthoo is cheaper again with a standard window.

And with £500 saved you could look at a 360mm AIO as @WantoN suggested which would improve cooling performance, or even a custom water loop because your 2080 Ti would benefit much more from liquid cooling than your CPU would.
Well i was mainly waiting for the new RTX and chipsets to drop. One thing I would hate is that I build a rig only to find out there been a huge update and could have got it.

Just purchased the case and PSU and planning what mod I'm doing to do to the case, wont be much as I like it as is but needs a touch of colour.

Just heard of the new CPU cooler the Hydro Series™ H115i RGB PLATINUM 280mm Liquid CPU Cooler which looks nice, will probably want to make a small adjustment on the cooler itself to get the cooler looking black and get rid of that silver. Waiting to see where I can get that too. Still will be waiting on the RTX 2080 Ti to come down in price a little but have a GTX 970 Strix I can use in the mean time.

Question: is the memory for this mobo good and fast enough, i wont be doing overclocking but I want to make sure there is no slow down where possible.

Latest Spec:
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,900.24 (includes shipping: £15.30)

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £1,394.05 (includes shipping: £14.10)

samsung B-Die unlike he corsair . 32gb bit overkill, unless you want all 4 dimms with rgb ?

slap cooler master new 360 DRGB CLC and good to go , maybe 1tb SSD if you need more space​
Couple of quick photos while I strip down the CoolerMaster H500M Mesh






Thinking of getting the mesh parts sprayed yellow I think that would look pretty good as I love everything black and yellow. I even got some paints just incase I feel brave enough to try it myself
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