Project: Watercooled/Spray-painted Lancool Dragonlord K62


GPU block on:


New pump top courtesy of engstrom0304 :D


The roof of the K62 requires modding to fit a dual 140 rad on top:




Now the barbs come down nicely :)


And the radiator sits neatly on top


Processor block mounted:


All starting to go in the case:


Top cover sits flush over the rad!


I'm gonna finish up wiring next, then get the stencils on the side. After that, just gotta wait on my remaining barbs!
But I spent a tenner on it! :( I'd rather ditch the EC6...
If I were you I would just use what you have atm (i.e. the EC6) and keep the cathodes. In 3 months time, change your fluid to distilled water with a dye that is UV reactive. That means you will be able to use the cathodes but you wont have to wait any longer to finish the build :D
If I were you I would just use what you have atm (i.e. the EC6) and keep the cathodes. In 3 months time, change your fluid to distilled water with a dye that is UV reactive. That means you will be able to use the cathodes but you wont have to wait any longer to finish the build :D

That would be a good strategy but don't dyes get really messy (start seperating) and stain everything?
That would be a good strategy but don't dyes get really messy (start seperating) and stain everything?
well, most people seem to think that the premade coolants are the biggest problems as the clog everything. Yes dyes stain and after a while start separating but the dont clog anything and are loads cheaper.
That would be a good strategy but don't dyes get really messy (start seperating) and stain everything?

By that logic, why are you using dye with the EC6?? In my opinion you are better off using either EC6 which in my experience doesnt seperate from the dye... or use distilled + a biocide such as pt nuke... then use uv tubing instead... for the sake of a coloured reservoir... it isnt worth it... White cathodes + EC6 would look good even if the UV doesnt make any difference.

If I were you I would just use what you have atm (i.e. the EC6) and keep the cathodes. In 3 months time, change your fluid to distilled water with a dye that is UV reactive. That means you will be able to use the cathodes but you wont have to wait any longer to finish the build :D

I would strongly advise AGAINST using dye additives... EC6 seems to be ok... but don't mess with dyes... It can be SO annoying... trust me, ive had to suffer the problems!!
Haha, I will update for Shinester184. I just got off the phone with him and he had filled the system, leak tested it and bled it. No leaks whatsoever. Photos probably tomorrow as he is busy tonight ;) I think I am more excited than he is lol
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