Project Wrath - Final Pic's

25 Jan 2011
Solihull, Birmingham
Better pictures taken with awesome camera at bottom of this page :)



















I Know the quality is awful etc, poor camera, i am having a friend who is a pro photographer do a proper shoot on it :D

I didn't actually make a project log for it, but its finally finished, for now :)
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Not sure what to say really.

Cable clutter in an awful looking case in my opinion.

Any modifications to this or just a straight 'build'?

Thanks for sharing.
Not sure what to say really.

Cable clutter in an awful looking case in my opinion.

Any modifications to this or just a straight 'build'?

Thanks for sharing.

I can never make the cables neat :s it gets on my nerves D: and im still waiting for OCZ to return my ssd which died the other week, so theres no point rewiring totally till thats seated, any tips for cable management?
Tidiness is especially important when you have a window I would have thought.

Just shove cables out back of motherboard and use the closest available management hole for each hook up. You can get decent results pretty quickly by doing this. Use a few cable ties and possibly some cable tie anchors.

Not sure you could ever make a Dark Fleet look nice though. I'm sure Antec were thinking CM HAF range beater but they went too far.

Post pics of your tidying up though.
Tidiness is especially important when you have a window I would have thought.

Just shove cables out back of motherboard and use the closest available management hole for each hook up. You can get decent results pretty quickly by doing this. Use a few cable ties and possibly some cable tie anchors.

Not sure you could ever make a Dark Fleet look nice though. I'm sure Antec were thinking CM HAF range beater but they went too far.

Post pics of your tidying up though.

Yea i do want it tidy, the problem is i have some 2.5" laptop hdd's and no mounting space for them so i have to slot them where i have space, meaning i have to move some cables in weird angles.

Also i have to use 1x 8Pin and 1x6pin power cables for graphics card, and i am using a chunky 4pin molex converter with 2 ends for the 8 pin, so that gets in the way too, also my 12v cpu cables sort of have to hang around in mid case cause i can't route them any neater :(

am taking some pics now to shown problems, see if you guys can advise anything? :)
Ohh just found some more pics i took yesterday, i realised i had my phone camera settings down to lowest XD..

These are of the initial case transfer - oh and you may think new case cable management is messy, look at original..

New case out of box!



Old and new cases :o


And here is the most godawful cable management in the world!



Here is one of the tangles i can't sort out



And here is one of the small HDD's forced under a 3.5" one because the cables won't reach otherwise XD



As you can see, i have some problems to sort, advice please :D
Antec DF35 case? i seriously hope you didnt pay full price for one lol worse case ever for cabling etc etc good luck on your new build lol
DF10, £45 or so :o i really like it, got any idea's of how to sort that cabling problem btw seraph? are cable extensions worth it? so i can wire them neatly to corners and edges instead of stretching them across the middle of the case?
Ok got my photographer friend to do some shots :D she had only popped round today so i wasn't ready for them and its a little messy :( still need to tidy cables when i get my ssd back from ocz (it died) but here's a few :o much better than my shots :D
I've got to say, the dark fleet is one of the hardest cases I've ever had to build in. The cable management is shocking! But you can still make them look nice, the best thing to do in your situation is grab some cable ties and try and make a nice looking loom of cables. Theres claearly no way you can easily hide them in that case, so you may as well try and make them look nice. Here are a few I've built myself that our company has sent for review (hope this isn't breaking any rules, I made sure theres no company name in the url!)

The third one is abit different, the 650D is a very easy case to build into. But the other two, the Asgard and the Elite 334 don't offer a great deal in the way of cable management. But it can still be done!
The first set of pics actually make me feel sick! (Because of the crazy conflicting angles and blurriness)

The individually braided cables do make it easier and neater for the cabling. But at the end of the day you can't escape the fact the cables have to go somewhere. Also a power supply that has the right cables makes everything a lot neater.

Massive improvement though.
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