I really like the colour scheme, should look beautiful once the loop is filled .
Any ideas / sketches for the tubing routes ? Anything crazy planned ?
Thanks rickyjb, yeah hoping I can get the mix between the pastel blue and green dye looking good!
As for the tubing routes, here's what I'm currently thinking. This diagram's for the cleanest route that would be most achievable:

Once I've started to get an idea on how easy it is to work with the tubing, how close to an end I can bend it etc. I'll have more of an idea if I can push this further. If I think it's doable, I'd like to keep the tubing all sitting on the X/Y/Z axis (i.e. no 'angled' tubes), but that's going to be tricky with a confined space so we'll have to see! That would look a little more like this: