Projector comparison - Please help!

If trying to watch projected movies in 'daylight' in the best quality possible is your prime concern I would focus on getting an 'ambient light rejecting' screen like a draper ReAct.

This will at least give a projector a chance to avoid giving you a washed out poor image.
Do you need to consider short or long throw options ? ours is an Optoma LED short throw, it fills a 2mtr square screen from 4ft away. The draw back with short throw is you can't leave it permanently set up on a wall or ceiling.
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Ok so as iv decided not to go for a fake 4K rather a half decent 1080p projector the Epson 7400 is out. Plus it’s a lot of money.

Still can’t decide between the Optoma vs 6700....

Could you elaborate on your sentence - IMO the HD39 is the more focussed home cinema projector whereas the 6700 is better as a bright-room general TV and game play machine. please

I will use it during daylight but also plenty during the evenings in a dark room. During the day it’s mostly Sky News and crappy daytime tv so not much dark scenes.

Am I right in saying you’d probably take the better at night Optoma over the better during day 6700 if you were in my boat?

If you had the two side by side do you think there will be a noticeable difference during daylight use or are we talking about very minor differences?

For some reason, I had it in mind that the Epson was the brighter of the two. It's not. Epson = 3000 ANSI. Optoma = 3500 ANSI. Go for the Optoma.
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