Prolapsed disk and chairs

27 Jan 2005
S. Yorks
Been off work now for four weeks due to a prolapsed disk at L5 right, did it by bending over at a sink to wash my face.

Work have been ok about it so far, even though I am a contract IT programmer, but I have been told by the physio it'll take another 2 - 4 weeks before I will be able to sit at a computer desk - am stood typing this at the moment.

Anyway as it's caused by bad work practices and the fact I commute 3 hours a day in a car I am now looking into getting a new office chair to help with posture - so what chairs do you guys use at work?

Thanks for the replies guy's, sorry about the c hair - its not easy typing stood up with my back like it is.

I have had a look at the ergohuman chair online it does come quite highly reccomended I need to find somewhere local to try one out though. Also seen the humanscale chairs they seem to be on a par with the ergohuman ones.

Will look at the obusforme in a second.


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