Prom Tonight

benjo said:
Maybe the fact your offering body gaurd assistance to a 16 year old girl over an internet forum that you've never even met :p

It wont be that, the guy have an issue with me i think. I dont know megzy, the whole bodyguard thing was as a result of everyone taking the mickey with her thread.....I dont think i have done anything wrong.
naffa said:

Very nice, i actually like things like that.....very different and send shiver down the spine of the squimish. :cool:


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iCraig said:
Because you'll do what, add another line in your signature?
Don't mention the sig!!!!!!!

<hides before el tries to explain why nobody should pay attention to his sig, or whatever he says in practically every thread (because someone mentions his sig in practically every single thread he posts in)>

We had a 'leaver's ball' at the end of upper sixth. Was great fun :) It was when I discovered that despite being an outcast for most of secondary school I was one of only about a third of the boys there who brought a date. That made it a good night in itself! It was at the Walker's stadium in Leicester. First and only time I got drunk with my year from school! Good fun though :)

(Yes, most of my life took place outside school :P)
iCraig said:
Because you'll do what, add another line in your signature?

Dont be daft, it is cool for most to add what they want to their sig. e.g "Proud owner of this and that" but i guess im not allowed.
Sounds like it is just one of those days where it is cool to give El stick isnt? **Yawns** I really dont care what you guys think.
ElRazur said:
Dont be daft, it is cool for most to add what they want to their sig. e.g "Proud owner of this and that" but i guess im not allowed.
Sounds like it is just one of those days where it is cool to give El stick isnt? **Yawns** I really dont care what you guys think.

El, chill man, no one actually cares - it's just general banter ;)

Hope you had fun Megz.
benjo said:
Maybe the fact your offering body gaurd assistance to a 16 year old girl over an internet forum that you've never even met :p

Erm will it be ok if she was 17? Gwad... i think we need to do away with that mentality.
Nix said:
El, chill man, no one actually cares - it's just general banter ;)

Hope you had fun Megz.

You are right, im now relaxed.

Hey Meg....You gotta let me know how it all goes down back at the prom when we have our security assesment next. :D

Im still holding down..... :cool:
Spacky said:
I won't say a word ;)


Ive never met her before in my life, ive chated to her once on msn and it was more like a "hey meg im gonna chat to you later, im about to play someone from ocuk on pro evo" and that was it.... lol I dont know why people are implying ideas..
ElRazur said:

Ive never met her before in my life, ive chated to her once on msn and it was more like a "hey meg im gonna chat to you later, im about to play someone from ocuk on pro evo" and that was it.... lol I dont know why people are implying ideas..

Not being rude to yourself as I don't know you, but saying "I'll call you" etc, is read at face value, even though its not my business.
Spacky said:
Not being rude to yourself as I don't know you, but saying "I'll call you" etc, is read at face value, even though its not my business.

I never read it at face value, I just read it as El being himself as usual.
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