I’ve got over 8000 songs hosted on GPM.
They must've raised the limit, I remember it being 2000 back when it was released, just had a look at the limit is now 50,000 .
I’ve got over 8000 songs hosted on GPM.
Thank you, I'm sure the s10 or p30 or op7 will be great whichever I choose, just want to make sure I get it right first time. The Xperia had massive design flaws in its shape, the WiFi and 4g and the predictive keyboard was the worst I've ever used.Haven't tried any of them, but currently have an S9, and had a OnePlus 3T before. I would go for the OP7. I got the Samsung simply because I needed wi-fi calling but honestly think I still prefer the OP3T, aside from the lower resolution, browsing is easier on the S9 but its a moot point with the phones you mentioned.
Thank you, I'm sure the s10 or p30 or op7 will be great whichever I choose, just want to make sure I get it right first time. The Xperia had massive design flaws in its shape, the WiFi and 4g and the predictive keyboard was the worst I've ever used.
Huawei - Everything may be fine or there might be a load of problems getting updates, support etc if the situation deteriorates further. I would just avoid them for the moment. I think their devices are quality (Have a Huawei tablet) but wouldn't get one of their devices at this point in time.