PS3 3.30 System Software Update



21 Sep 2006
I'm downloading at the moment, downloading very slow
I think the updates sucks really, coulded been better, after when they removed other os.

  • Trophy enhancements –- Now you can more easily sort trophies in the [Trophy Collection] and [Comparing Trophy] sections. Sorting can be done with [Trophy Collection] in the [Game Category] and also when comparing trophies with your friends in the [Friend Category]
    • Trophy Folder (Title List) can be sorted by game name/ by title according to the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Add-on list (Group list) can be sorted by original/the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Trophy list can be sorted by original/trophy name/grade/date of obtaining the trophy (ascending/descending)
In addition, this update preps the PS3 system for some upcoming new features, including 3D stereoscopic gaming, which is coming soon to PS3, in time for the launch of Sony’s 3D BRAVIA TVs.
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So they spend this time for a way to organise the Trophy achievements list when they still can't even give us a few more sorting options for standard folders/game install folders etc i.e. simple alphabetical order option.
What a useless update :confused:

Not really, given it added 3D TV support for Sony's upcoming range.

The way some people react to these updates is irrational, it's as if you expected massive amounts of functionality added every time. Do you wait with baited breath every time Windows updates, hoping for a new feature to appear?
Not really, given it added 3D TV support for Sony's upcoming range.

The way some people react to these updates is irrational, it's as if you expected massive amounts of functionality added every time. Do you wait with baited breath every time Windows updates, hoping for a new feature to appear?

Yeah I bet most of the people who complain about the removal of Linux support will never even use it once and so just a reason to moan.
The way some people react to these updates is irrational, it's as if you expected massive amounts of functionality added every time. Do you wait with baited breath every time Windows updates, hoping for a new feature to appear?

They probably do tbh. I've read many comments on this forum about how companies owe them big time.
The way some people react to these updates is irrational, it's as if you expected massive amounts of functionality added every time.

They'd receive a lot less hostility if their updates were more structured in terms of the release patterns. Two mandatory updates within month (both in excess of 100mb) - why could these have not been combined into a single release.
Two mandatory updates within month (both in excess of 100mb) - why could these have not been combined into a single release.
Because the last update that removed Linux needed to go out quickly as I think it would be possible to play cracked games thru Linux, oh no, I mean it has a security issue.
Because the last update that removed Linux needed to go out quickly as I think it would be possible to play cracked games thru Linux, oh no, I mean it has a security issue.

Ha. :) Good job they rushed it out, look at all the people loading ISO's and pirating to their hearts content on their non-updated PS3's now.
Not really, given it added 3D TV support for Sony's upcoming range.

The way some people react to these updates is irrational, it's as if you expected massive amounts of functionality added every time. Do you wait with baited breath every time Windows updates, hoping for a new feature to appear?

The update is useless, all it adds it sorting features for trophies. The update only "preps" the ps3 for 3D there will be another update to actually turn 3D on I bet, which will be again another pointless update just to turn a feature on. I am not saying the feature is pointless just the way they are going about bringing all these updates out when they could be rolled out into a singular update.
Spare a thought for those like me who have just moved to or live in the countryside and broadband speed is not much better than dial up! Takes all day to do an update.
next sony console should be called ps update.
haha i know i know bad joke, gosh its getting to a point where im just not bothering to connect to the net on my ps3 with all these useless updates for the machine and the console.
Yeah I am sick of them too, I don't use my PS3 as often as my 360, but it feels like almost every time I turn the thing on it wants to do a long update :(
Don't mind updating the PS3, rather have it fully functioning and only legit players online possible.

Everyone updates everything at some point, with new technology, it's not like the PS3 takes the mick. iPhones update, Windows updates, OSX updates. It's the way of the world these days :)
Cheers for the thread, will start downloading as soon as I get home from work.

My internet is pants at the moment, so nothing worse then settling down for a game later, only to discover I need to download something for the next hour.
The update is useless, all it adds it sorting features for trophies. The update only "preps" the ps3 for 3D there will be another update to actually turn 3D on I bet, which will be again another pointless update just to turn a feature on. I am not saying the feature is pointless just the way they are going about bringing all these updates out when they could be rolled out into a singular update.


Terrible, unnecessary update. I am lucky as I have fast broadband and a fast connection to PSN, but for others with slow connections it must be annoying getting frequent updates that add (or remove :) ) unwanted features.

I just tried the Trophy sorting and I cannot think of who would possibly have requested/suggested/asked for this? By default (I think) the latest game you play has always had it's trophies at the top of the list and has always been sufficient imo.

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