PS3 and Xbox360 Exlusives list

Warbie said:
Not even Mass Effect? I can't think of a single game that looks as tasty as that (and it's the first part of a trilogy :))

Hmm, they could have really gone to town if they'd had Blu-ray to work with, methinks.
ic1male said:
Hmm, they could have really gone to town if they'd had Blu-ray to work with, methinks.

Lol, why do you think it's effected development at all? As it is they were surprised when they could fit it all on one disk.

MS don't have anything that dictates games must be able to fit on one disk, Blue Dragon comes on 3.
Are games which are available on PC exclusive though? :confused:

Yeah take Alan wake it says only on 360 but its coming to PC to.

exclusive titles mean it will be on 1 console but none of the rest excluding PC that is.
smcshaw said:
Lol, why do you think it's effected development at all? As it is they were surprised when they could fit it all on one disk.

MS don't have anything that dictates games must be able to fit on one disk, Blue Dragon comes on 3.

Please don't spoil Sony's reality distortion field which makes things seem better than they really are. :p
Alan Wake pc vista game :P
Cant name any dual format game as an Exlusive if it can be baught and played else where
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Bigpig said:
Alan Wake pc vista game :P
Cant name any dual format game as an Exlusive if it can be baught and played else where

Lol, spoken like a true PS3 fanboi ;)

We could go round in circles. It's a Microsoft platform exclusive & console exclusive.
smcshaw said:
Lol, spoken like a true PS3 fanboi ;)

We could go round in circles. It's a Microsoft platform exclusive & console exclusive.

sorry Mr HD-DVD will win and spreading untrue rumours about LOTR and Matrix being HD-Titles only lol

Sorry Yes it an Microsoft exclusive not 360
Bigpig said:
sorry Mr HD-DVD will win and spreading untrue rumours about LOTR and Matrix being HD-Titles only lol

Sorry Yes it an Microsoft exclusive not 360

Lol. :D

Mr "HD-DVD will win". Lol.
smcshaw said:
Lol. :D

Mr "HD-DVD will win". Lol.
Yah well you called me a fanboi :p pot calling the kettle black huh :eek:

The simple fact that it can be bought and played on the pc meaning I don't need a 360 to play Alan wake of bio shock is not a 360 Elusive

Mass effect 100% yes 360 exclusive meaning I have to buy 360 to play it which I will along with Gears of war
Bigpig said:
yah well you called me a fanboi :p pot calling the kettle black huh :eek:

the simple fact that it can be baught and played on the pc meaning I don't need a 360 to play Alan wake of bio shock is not an 360 Eslusive

Masseffect 100% yes 360 exlusive meaning I have to buy 360 to play it which i will along with Gears of war

Heh :) no offence taken mate.

If we went down that track though we all know Gears or War, Halo 3 and probably even Mass Effect will eventually come out on the PC and thus they're only timed exclusive. So does the 360 have any exclusives at all?

360 owners will define exclusive as console exclusive, PS3 owners will probably define exclusive as 360 exclusive. We could go round in circles all day.
good post McManicMan.

echoing earlier comments - definitely glad Ive got both systems. feel like i can just lay back a bit now and wait for the games to come to me :D
smcshaw said:
Heh :) no offence taken mate.

If we went down that track though we all know Gears or War, Halo 3 and probably even Mass Effect will eventually come out on the PC and thus they're only timed exclusive. So does the 360 have any exclusives at all?

360 owners will define exclusive as console exclusive, PS3 owners will probably define exclusive as 360 exclusive. We could go round in circles all day.

Well the main difference there is bio shock Alan wake are being made side by side on both formats. Not bad messed up ports which are yet to be announced on the pc.

I class myself as a muti platform user. So If i can buy and play the game on my Pc its one less reason to buy the 360.

Need to make a new list and put Microsoft pc/360 exclusive section then i be happy hehe
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