PS3 Jap version over UK Version?

The only advantages would be that you could play region A Blu-ray movies (Japan shares the same Blu-ray region as the US) and you can run Japanese PS/PS2 games and also region 2 DVD movies.

Other than that, and the obvious price difference, that's about it. Of course, bear in mind that the warranty could prove to be a problem.

Oh yes, and apparently some games - even Euro/US versions - will be censored on Japanese consoles - such as Resistance. Haven't seen it for myself though.
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The main things are that you can only play Blu-Ray movies from that region only (and US) but games are region free. The games from different countries have different age guides things on them and apparently the Japan games have content cut from it like violent scene etc (Don't know where I heard this, may not be true).

You won't be able to access the PS Store, unless you live in Japan (Again, I think lol).

Other than that I know nothing ;)
I went with a Jap version as I wanted Region A Blu-Ray. It cost me over 100 less than a uk version new. I couldn't see any point in a UK one at 425 when the the one I got plays all the games, all the add ons work etc. OK so I can't play SD DVDs or PS2 games but I have an upscaling DVD player which is region free for the DVDs and a PS2 for the odd game I want to play.

I can access any store fine BTW and have downloaded from the UK, Tekken and the GT HD demo.

If you've got any questions add me to msn

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J1nxy said:
OK so I can't play SD DVDs or PS2 games but I have an upscaling DVD player which is region free for the DVDs

Well, actually you could because Japan is region 2 for DVD just like Europe :) However that's obviously not important to you since you have an upscaling DVD player anyway.
I brought one back from Hong Kong and am very happy with it. Same power as the UK, 240v and the NTSC works fine on my TV.
Only problem is that the warranty is HK only so I will have to fork out if it ever blows up.
For some reason though, I still play my 360 more :D
It was £275 with Fall of Man..... Much better than the UK Prices, although it was a pain to lug back in my carry on bag :mad:
Phemo said:
Well, actually you could because Japan is region 2 for DVD just like Europe :) However that's obviously not important to you since you have an upscaling DVD player anyway.

No you cant as the unit outputs NTSC UK Region 2 DVDs are Pal.
If your TV supports NTSC playback then you will be fine.
MY HK version works with no problem at all on my old Thomson Black Diva.
Most TV's made within the last five years should support NTSC playback, 50/60 Hz.... You should be ok.
Ok to clarify what I am saying.

The Japan PS3 is Region2 for DVD, but Japan Region 2 is NTSC. If you place a UK Region 2 DVD in the drive it states when you try to play the DVD that PAL encoded media playback is not supported.

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