PS3 - some questions

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Just got myself a PS3, its a great piece of kit so far, but i have a few questions:

1: How do i change the background? can i change it to something other than pink lol?

2: This really annoys me, getting online. I am yet to because when i connect it all up i cant connect, i go to test connection and IP address failed. I had the same problem with my 360 when i first got it, but entering my mac os address (or something like that) sorted it, but i cant seem to do that on this? Any other suggestions? i want to get the update and play resistance online.

3: Not sure if this is a problem with my HDMI cable, but when i first played motorstorm, i sat about 3 feet away from the TV, it had horrendus jaggies and looks awful, it seems be ok now, im sitting about 6ft and it looks good, but is that normal for it to not look great sitting close?

yeah but to update your console you need to connect to online.

It just fails my IP or something, im connecting through a modem btw, no router but maybe it would help if i bought a wireless one or something.
The update part is not in the online section though, it's at the top of the far left menu iirc, somewhere near system settings.

If that doesn't work I'm not sure what you need to do.
1. I am not sure if you can, someone here said it changes automatically with the seasons/months of the year, but I know you could on the PSP and the option isn't there on the PS3.

2. I was able to scan and find my wireless router easily and it was a sod to set-up on my PC. Are you not able to connected it via a wired connection and update it that way and you may be able to set that to a wireless connection when you are done?

3. I have noticed some tearing in Motorstorm, but I sit about a foot away from my 32" TV and I don't have jaggies screaming at me. Some games are worse than others.
ok thanks so far, ive not nothing to do all day tommorow so ill sort out the online then, for now ill just play through resistance single player for a bit.
tomanders91 said:
yeah but to update your console you need to connect to online.

It just fails my IP or something, im connecting through a modem btw, no router but maybe it would help if i bought a wireless one or something.

You can download the update from the Sony website, put it on a dongle and install it that way.
I believe if you have photos on your PS3 , just select it and press triangle and select use as background. It's only temporary and I think it goes every time you turn the console off.
ok thanks to the people who have answered.

I also have another quick question, sometimes when quitting a game, in a blink of an eye (no more than a second), the screen suddenly changes to all the black and white dots (you know when you tv has no signal or anything?) ten back to normal, is this normal? or is there something wrong with it?> im thinking about buying a sony hdmi or something rather than my sky hd one just to make sure.
Unlike the Xbox 360 which outputs at your chosen resolution at all times, the PS3 changes outputs depending on what you're doing.

I know that playing MotorStorm switches it to 720p, watching a DVD puts it at something else, etc. The black and white dots thing is the res change happening.

And about the PS3 background, I am guessing right now that it's pink because it is the cherry blossom season in Japan.
You've ticked the higher resolution options (720p and 1080i) in the video settings? You might only be running at 480p or something for all those jaggies to appear. I haven't noticed many on my 24" screen at which I sit only a foot or two from.
also for the network stuff, ive got the ip addres working by adding some stuff and setting up the connection by choosing custom instead of auto, but now on the connection settings, the next one down failes which is internet connection or sometihng,
It must be a modem with a wireless router in it, otherwise you won't connect wirelessly :P.

What unit are you using then? BT Total Broadband? (at a guess?).
Are you ADSL or Cable?
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