PS3 Video conversion Awesome Quality!!!!

13 Nov 2006
Hey guys finally been messing around and got top notch quality from mpeg4 avc.

Is the posting of a sample clip from a movie allowed? Would really like to show you guys.
johnnyfive said:
Hey guys finally been messing around and got top notch quality from mpeg4 avc.

Is the posting of a sample clip from a movie allowed? Would really like to show you guys.

I doubt it if it is from a copyrighted movie. easiest way for anyone to see the quality is to downlaod an Apple Quicktime HD trailer (ideally 720P or 1080P version). It takes about 2 minutes for PSP video 9 to turn this into a PS3 compatible files (As it is already h264 and just needs to be re-encapsulated).

I played the file back on the PS3 and it looked the same as me playing it though my mac mini which is connected to the TV via the vga input.

Fantastic 4 trailer is a good example. I have it on mine, but I don't have anywhere I could host it.


Edit: What is your PSN ID?
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Yeh ps3 video 9 is great. Especially when you enable 2 threads whoooosh. 100% usage on both cores. Would really like a quad to eat through these reencodes :).
johnnyfive said:

Yeh ps3 video 9 is great. Especially when you enable 2 threads whoooosh. 100% usage on both cores. Would really like a quad to eat through these reencodes :).

Good news can you comment on H264 MKV TS MPEGII VOB files using video9?

All possible to work on PS3 with 5.1 were appropiate?
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