PS3 XMB Question

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
I've got a PS3 Slim console 250gb. I've seen on various internet videos you can have scrolling text underneath where it shows you how many of your friends are online.

I've looked everywhere to try enable this. I have also turned the display what's new option on and off, but that hasn't worked.

How do I get it to work.

Thanks in advance.
Ahh that. It's called Newsticker or something like that, it's only on US PSN accounts though, as far as I know. Doesn't actually do anything useful aside from advertise new stuff.
Ahh that. It's called Newsticker or something like that, it's only on US PSN accounts though, as far as I know. Doesn't actually do anything useful aside from advertise new stuff.

Oh lol, silly me. I thought something was dodgy with my PS3. Thanks for clearing it up. :)
It's on UK too. Or, was.

Lemme check how to find it.

EDIT: Nope, been removed, but it used to be there. Must have been around when they introduced the What's New thing.
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