9 May 2009
Im going to list my YLOD 60gb PS3 on a well know auction site. When it broke i took it apart and done the heatgun trick to get my saves off, a while after it broke again so i just bought a slim. Ive noticed that faulty 60gb models are selling for £30+, id like to format my HDD before i sell it. I had my username and password saved for auto login but obviously the password has changed since the network went down, but i would feel easier if nothing was on the HD. Can i just take it apart get the HDD connect it to my PC and format it that way?

this post may seam to stat the obious but might be usefull.

when i had connect the HDD to a PC it had not shawn any of the saved data. but the HDD was still operational.

HDD is located on the left side (when vied from front) and is easy to acces with a small cross head and a slim coin or flat head.

i would assume that if you could connect the HDD to a friends PS3 you should bealbe to format your HDD that way. also if you know alitle bit about PCs the PS3 compoments are the same. if you can determine what parts are working or not you can sell the parts sepratly.

iv seen the PSUs go at £15 and the boards with problems go at more then 30 ofcourse you can then seel the heatsink and fan on sepratly or together as well.

extra effort i know but should pay you of well.

alternatively if you can find any obious damage then you could just get replacement part for fairly cheep. but this does require you to be surtain witch compoment is dead and probly wont pay as much for the effort of seeling your playsation as salvaged parts.

(prices was based on replacement parts for my 40gb. but all are roughtly simularly priced)
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