PS4 external Drive just died

26 Mar 2020
Hi there - i was using a 2tb HD external - for the ps4 - working fine . and then yesterday i turned it on and the PS4 would not recognise it. I have attached it to the PC and its saying it is not Initialized - when i went to try initialize it - it would not let me do it. I have tried a few diff programs and windows to let me do it.

It is powering up the spindle is spinning.

Any ideas what i could do to get this initialized and readable again. It does not show up in windows apart from when you go into to drive managment. i have even tried to recover the partition as it says it has none. That wont work either - i dont know if it is because it is a diff file system for the ps4 as for the pc.

thanks in advance guys
Use diskpart
From memory something like
List disk or disks always forget if it plural
Select disk X where X is the number disk you want
i did that and it said cleaning completed BUT i still can not accsess the drive or initalize it

Strange. If the drive shows up in DISKPART and those operations completed successfully, there is nothing wrong with it. Are you sure you're using Disk Management properly? :p
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