psu and case advice

12 Feb 2004
Will be upgrading soon to a 6300, DS3 mobo and 2 GB DDR800. I probably need to replace my case and psu as I think I'm pushing it already (8800 on a 350W!).

Don't want to go mad so can anyone recommend a case/psu combo for under £100. To keep things neat, I'd like to go modular if poss.
Would probably get these:

Enermax Noisetaker 535W EG565AX-VE(W) SFMA ATX2.0 SLI Compliant PSU

Akasa AK-ZEN-01-BK Zen Black Case - No PSU

Sub Total : £74.98
Shipping : £8.95
Vat : £14.69
Total : £98.62

*EDIT* the enermax is out of stock so the AKASA Ultra Quiet 500W Paxpower is a good alternative.
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I don't think you will get a modular PSU and case for under £100 or at least not a worthwhile one since the cheapest modular PSU is normally a Hiper and they don't have the best record on reliability. An Enermax Liberty 500w or Corsair 520w (would be my choice of modular PSUs) would put you around £10 over the budget, if this is not possible then what steve258 suggests is probably your best bet. :)
semi-pro waster said:
I don't think you will get a modular PSU and case for under £100 or at least not a worthwhile one since the cheapest modular PSU is normally a Hiper and they don't have the best record on reliability. An Enermax Liberty 500w or Corsair 520w (would be my choice of modular PSUs) would put you around £10 over the budget, if this is not possible then what steve258 suggests is probably your best bet. :)
May well go with the Corsair as I'm gonna buy everything together so the shipping costs are spread.

Are the timings on the RAM that important? Is it worth spending £20 more to get 4-4-4-12 than 5-5-5-15?
Depends on the cpu a 4300 is good because of the 9x multi
you don't need to overclock the ram to get a high clock whereas you will with the 6300.Cheap ram is not the choice to go for with a 6300 7x 400mhz =2.8ghz
so you'll need to overclock the ram to go higher.
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Oh most definately you can get 3.2 ghz easy with cheapo pc 6400 ram
because you can actually underclock it slightly or have it bang on 400mhz and get 3.2 ghz.6300 i would get if your getting good overclocking ram though.
the Geil Ultra stuff is showing up as £135 inc VAT?!?!
There's some GSkill 4-4-4-12 stuff on this week only at £116????
happy to go 4300 route if I'll get same/similar performance for less money. Assuming I go 4300, what RAM should I get? Assuming taking the 4300 up to around 3GHz. It's a 9x multiplier right?
I have the geil value ram yes you will get similar performance
the difference is tiny between 6300 and 4300 i'm happy leaving my
4300 at 3.4 ghz suits me fine.The geil value is still decent ram and will do a nice overclock dont be put off by the value in the title.
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