I've recently has my PC on for a few days while running a VM, and tonight came home and found it was powered off, although all USB devices were still powered up. Powered if off via the main PSU switch for a bit and tried to turn it back on, but the PSU just flashes into life for half a second and turns off.
The PSU is an SuperFlower Leadex GOLD 750W, which is fully modular. So far I have unplugged everything except the 24-pin mobo lead, with only this plugged in, it powers on and stays on, but of course nothing happens. If I plug all the SATA/Molex leads back in with hard drives and fans etc connected, it will still power on. If I then connect either the 12v CPU supply, or either of the PCI-E connectors, even one at a time, it powers straight off. I am assuming it's the PSU at fault here, as it seems to just shut off with any kind of load on it.
I can't see it being the motherboard as with just the 24-pin connected it's fine. But anything else I can check?
If it is at fault, I bought the PSU from OcUK in December 2014, do I RMA it with them still? Never had a faulty component before.
The PSU is an SuperFlower Leadex GOLD 750W, which is fully modular. So far I have unplugged everything except the 24-pin mobo lead, with only this plugged in, it powers on and stays on, but of course nothing happens. If I plug all the SATA/Molex leads back in with hard drives and fans etc connected, it will still power on. If I then connect either the 12v CPU supply, or either of the PCI-E connectors, even one at a time, it powers straight off. I am assuming it's the PSU at fault here, as it seems to just shut off with any kind of load on it.
I can't see it being the motherboard as with just the 24-pin connected it's fine. But anything else I can check?
If it is at fault, I bought the PSU from OcUK in December 2014, do I RMA it with them still? Never had a faulty component before.